2.07 Just A Girl

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Kat, Maria, and Fury all sat on crates lined up against the wall as Minn-Erva and Att-Lass examined Goose

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Kat, Maria, and Fury all sat on crates lined up against the wall as Minn-Erva and Att-Lass examined Goose.

Att-Lass scanned the cat, "Species: Flerken." Came an automated voice, "Threat: high."

Goose meowed as a muzzle was placed on his head.

"It's a cat, not Hannibal Lector." Fury commented.

Minn-Erva took Goose away as Att-Lass scanned Fury, "Species: human male. Threat: low to none."

Fury looked at Maria and Kat, "That thing's clearly busted."

Kat rolled her eyes, "You Kree really think you're some superior race, don't you."

"Load the Flerken onto the Helion." Minn-Erva handed Goose off to one of the Kree guards, "Eject the others into space."

Fury looked at Kat, "Breathe. We're not going anywhere."

The three of them were instructed to get up and follow the guards down the hallways. As they walked, the power began to flicker in and out.

Their handcuffs soon feel to the floor, Kat quickly rolling her wrist, pink mist emitting from it, "Now."

Maria and Fury knocked the weapons out of the Kree soldiers hands. Kat levitated them off the ground and slammed them against the hallway walls.

Kat held her hand over her eyes as a blinding yellow light came from the opposite end of the hall.

They all stared at Carol, who was glowing from head to toe. She held the Fonz lunchbox in her hand.

"You know you're glowing, right?" Fury questioned as Kat helped him up from the floor.

"I'll explain it later." Carol opened the lunchbox, showing the Tesseract still inside. Fury picked up Goose and pulled his muzzle off, "Take the Tesseract. Leave the lunchbox."

"Me?" Fury pointed at himself.

"Yes." Carol answered.

"Why not her?" Fury pointed at Kat, "She's got some weird, funky connection to it."

"I am not here to babysit the cube." Kat chided.

"I need her. Yon-Rogg and the rest of them won't even see her coming." Carol reasoned.

Fury groaned, "I'm not touching that thing!"

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