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It was almost ten years after the triplets were born that Harry found himself pregnant once again. This time he had no reserves about telling Louis, and both were ecstatic. His pregnancy was normal compared to his last, delivering one healthy egg, which hatched on time.

They named her Lacy Cora Tomlinson

She was pure mermaid, her tail was a beautiful thing that changed in the sunlight, from green to blue. She had Harrys eyes and Louis nose. She was born with a full head of hair, dark brown, and curly like her older sister, Rosalie.

Rosalie has grown her hair out long like her papa, her curls, which were the colour of her Dads almost reached the beginning of her tail, which had slimmed out, growing long and graceful. Her wings had grown in gorgeously and she was undoubtably a very beautiful, very well mannered girl. She loved to draw and paint, and spent most of her days sitting up on her fathers old nest, sketching the things around her.

Elliot on the other hand was more into dance. He was a very graceful swimmer, and he could fly for extended periods of time, having practiced on his large powerful wings, so he put on shows for everyone who wanted to watch, his special flare drawing crowds and making his parents very proud. He got this sparkle in his eyes when he danced that Harry noticed every time he witnessed his sons fluid movements, and knew he had found his passion. He was shy and awkward in real life, but when he got moving he was a beautiful sight to behold, letting go of everything around him as he glided around, shooting in and out of the water, eyes closed, a small smile on his lips.

Tommy was different then them all, for he loved the sea with great passion. He loved everything about it, from the tides to the plankton that lived far below. It saddened him that he was unable to go underwater for more then thirty seconds without needed to resurface for air. Sometimes his siblings would bring him down and supply him with air, showing him all the wonders of sea life, but he slowed them down and they got tired of brining him along. He stuck with his father, who he was a spitting image of, and longed for the time he spent underwear. He thought it unfair how he, the one who loved the ocean dearly was the only one unable to explore it. His papa always reassured him he would always be half merman but that made him feel even worse, as it done him no good. His feathers had changed from the golden brown they had been at birth to a more calming deep brown, much like the colour of his papas hair and he liked to pick at them, sitting in the shallows and conversing with the small fish that came to him, a trait he had gained from his papa. He wrote story's casting himself as the main character, a merman who had amazing adventures underwater and sometimes Louis would read them when the boy was off doing something and share them with Harry.

Fern was different again, she was almost 15 years old, and had adopted a baby bird that had lost its mother to a predator. She had named him Albert and you could find him perched on her shoulder or chest day and night, his colourful plumage making him stand out in stark contrast to ferns soft auburn feathers. She had matured and found out her great love for the flute, after her uncle Niall had gifted her a hand carved one for her 13th birthday. She had allowed Rosalie to paint it, who did so beautifully depicting a series of very tiny intricate feathers, which transformed into scales half way down and fern had dubbed it her favourite thing ever, (after her family and Albert of course) her music gathered crowds and left people awestruck at the fifteen year old harpies musical talent.

Harry and Louis remained the same, hopelessly in love with each other and filled with overwhelming love for all their children, from the youngest to the oldest, adopted child they were grateful for every one. They has family story night, and the story of how daddy saved papa was always told, but the story of how papa had saved daddy the day they first met remained in the dark to everyone but fern who loved to hear it when she was having trouble sleeping. Overall they were the ideal family, extremely close and loving.

And Louis couldn't have asked for a better ending to his nightmarish start.

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