Chapter Eleven

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When Louis and Ayla reach the compound it's nearing nightfall again. Louis is angry at himself for sleeping in but he knows that it wouldn't have made a difference when he sees the amount of guards.

He's just about to fly up to get a better look when Ayla grabs his arm and he spins around to see look at her

"Harry loves you, he wanted you to know" she says and Louis smiles happily, fondly as he flies up and lands on the top of a tower, flattening himself to the top of it as Ayla hides herself in the reeds below. He can count at least 20 of them patrolling around with their guns held up. Those guns scared Louis, he knew they could get him from the air, and he knew some of those guards would be hard-pressed to miss.

Then he slowly began to Ascend, quietly as he could until he was sure he would be covered by the clouds. He circles the compound, and seeing his only chance inside was a skylight, he swooped.

Meanwhile Harry was scared. He was so incredibly afraid. The people were heading towards him with a needle, and he knew what that needle would do. Even though he couldn't understand what they were saying he had seen a pregnant merperson go by his door, unconscious and when they came back, their belly was significantly smaller, red, and bandaged. He wasn't about to let that happen to his babies. He hissed as the person advanced jutting the needle towards him, with a sneer. He does his best to evade the mans hand, swirling around his small tank. Then he makes the mistake of using his tail to try and smack the needle out of the guys hand. He managed to knock it to the ground but the man got ahold of his tail. Harry thrashed in panic as the guy regained his hold on the needle, shoving it into Harrys tail.

Harry yelled out in pain as he guy gripped his tail harshly tanking the painful needle out, throwing it to the ground and tossing Harrys tail away from him in disgust. Harry began to feel woozy as he curled himself into a tight ball, furling his tail around himself protectively as the darkness overtook him.


Louis had dropped into the room through the skylight and slammed right into a human, knocking him to the ground, landing on top of him. His gun had been knocked away and Louis struggled against him, as he tried to regain control of the situation and louis wasn't about to let him. He was quick to grab for the gun, his fingers closing around the cold metal of it. Louis didn't want to do it but he slammed the butt of the gun into the guys head. The guy stopped struggling and went limp below him and Louis sighed in relief.

He got up and went to the door, looking both ways before heading into the hallway.

"Hey!" Someone called from behind him and Louis ran around the corner away from the sound of the voice. He winds through the corridors, flying over the heads of guards when he needs to, checking doors, as most stood open.

Louis knew he had many guards and scientists following him but he didn't care as he kept enough ahead of them to avoid being caught.

Then he ran into the tail end of his own mob, and he knew he'd be cornered. So he did what any normal guy would do.

He ran into the room to his left and jumped through the window.

Shooting up high into the air, he desperately tried to find another way in. He flew along the side of the building, peering into windows as he does. Then he sees a room that housed a mermaid, who was undoubtably pregnant, but there was something wrong. They weren't conscious, and the bandage that spanned their bump scared Louis more then the fact that her babies, two eggs, were in an incubator. Louis couldn't let this happen. He smashed the window with the gun he still carried and entered the room. He pulled open the incubator and grabbed the eggs, carrying them out of the room and to. Ayla as fast as he could.

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