Chapter Six

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Harry felt bad about lying to Louis. The truth was he was scared, He didn't know what else to do as he paced around his large room, swirls of bubbles chasing him as worries. The mermaid, Nadia, he sent after Louis sitting on his bed watching him bemusedly as he worried over what she believed was nothing to be this worried over. You'd never be able to tell tears were streaming down harry face unless you looked at his red puffy eyes. He was practically ripping his hair out, which was soaked to the root, his mind unable to concentrate even the slightest bit to keep it dry.

"Its nothing to worry about harry, its not a bad thing!" she assures him and harry spins around to face her

"We sleep together once and i end up pregnant? How can i be so irresponsible!" Harry yelled collapsing to the sandy floor of his room, head in his hands silently crying 

"H-he's going to leave me Dia" he says and she swims over to him, settling on the ground beside him before wrapping her arms around her best friend.

"He won't, he looked genuinely hurt when you had left for a few days without telling him, Doesn't he have like a kajillion siblings?" She asked and harry looked up

"He has 6, but that doesn't mean he wants kids, but in less then 2 months he's going to have them!" he says and she rolls her eyes

"Harry! Stop flailing! Go up to the surface and tell him the truth!" She says and harry shakes his head, his wide eyes going to her in fear

"N-no, I don't need to tell him, i can keep it from him, raise the kid down here, he doesn't need to ever know..." Harry says like he just had a brilliant idea

"What are you insane!" Nadia yells at him "You can't do that! Considering this is the child of a harpy and a merman, theres a significant chance it would need to, i dunno, breathe air?" She scolds him and harry hangs his had

"I-i know but I'm scared..." Harry says and she hugs him

"Harry, i know your scared, so was i when I told James before we had Ella, he didn't want kids, i was ready to flee the country but i told him and he was overjoyed!" She reminds him and harry nods smiling at the thought of his niece, who he was quite fond of, her cute little lilac coloured tail a mix of her moms bright red and her dads mellow blue.

"You and me are going up to the surface tomorrow, we're going to his nest and your telling him, ill be with you the whole time." She says and harry sighs

"Okay, but what if he does leave me?" harry asks

"He won-" Nadia begins

"Nadia!" Harry yells "What if he does..." he asks his voice low and quavering as he looked at her  with true fear in his eyes

"Then we'll deal with that if it comes to it" She assures and harry nods hugging her tightly to his chest

"What would i do with out you Dia?" he asks and she laughs

"Probably turn into a hobbit and drown your kid" she shrugs and harry pouts at her assessment.

So as Harry lies in his large bed that night, Nadia curled up beside him, snoring unattractively (which harry found sort of endearing but sort of annoying, but thats the thing with best friends) he was contemplating how he would tell louis, but all he could think of was Louis abandoning him and their child. Harry didn't sleep a wink that night, tossing and turning, overthinking the whole thing. When they left, Nadia had to drag him up, as he was completely dead weight, his terror weighing him down. She managed to get him to the surface though, and the search began.

Louis wasn't where they usually met, but harry expected this. They leapt the waterfall, Nadia towing him over, he flailed in the air slightly before righting himself, and hitting the water in a cloud of bubbles. He swam over to the area he knew louis nest to be, and swims to the shore. He shakes where he rests and Nadia nudges him

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