Chapter Three

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Louis knows he's screwed up. He shouldn't have kissed Harry. He lost the only friend he's ever really had. He's sitting in his nest in the part of the forest harry had showed him, having created it a few days ago, not liking to crowd his mothers already crowded home. He's sighs and takes off on his newly healed wing, flying high up in search of Niall and Liam.

He had made friends with Niall shortly after he moved in. He was the Satyr that had waved to him when he and harry had visited. Liam came shortly after, as he was friends with Niall. Liam was a centaur, and he was super friendly. Louis soon found them, sitting by a bubbling spring.

Louis lands in front of him

"Hey Lou!" Niall waves then he bleats happily, cantering over to his friend and enveloping him in a tight hug

"Hi!" Liam says from his place settled on the ground, his legs tucked under his brown body.

"Hey guys" Louis manages, sitting down and sighing, picking at the feathers on his legs, Niall sitting beside him

"What's wrong?" Liam asks and louis sighs

"I think i screwed up..." he says and Liam gets up, walking over and settling beside louis, wrapping his arms around his friend. Louis leans into him and sighs

"What did you do?" Liam asks and louis shakes his head

"I-i kissed harry, and he swam away from me and i haven't seen him since, that was days ago" He says and Nialls eyes soften in sympathy

"Louis, Harry's really sensitive, I'm not sure he's been approached like that by a guy before, you probably just confused him s'all" he says, his accent strong.

"I dunno" Louis says and liam smiles down at him

"Louis, just let harry deal with that in his own way, he'll be back when he knows what he wants" He says and louis sighs

"Alright, if you say so, I'm gonna go" Louis says and liam releases him.

"Alright, we want to know how this ends!" Niall calls after him as he flies off and louis turns, hovering

"Okay!" he calls back waving before flying away, up to where he had fallen into the water days before and settling on the shore. He curls up on the ground to wait and before he knows it he's asleep.

He wakes up hours later wet in his nest.

Confused, He flies out of his nest and heads to the place he's been waiting for harry for the past few days and sure enough, harry's there waiting for him.

"Harry..." he says gently settling on a branch "Im sorry...I shouldn't have did what i did" He says and harry sighs

"No, its my fault, i shouldn't have reacted the way i did" He says and louis jumps down to the rock

Harry surges out of the water and kisses louis, almost knocking him off of the rock and into the water. Louis sits down hard, and harry pulls back blushing fiercely

"Harry..." louis says and touches his lips lightly with his fingers

"Sorry....I just had to take some time to process things before I realized that i-i actually do like you" he says and louis smiles

"Thank you harry..." he says and notices harry is struggling with his hair today.
"Cmere" Louis says and when Harry does, he begins to braid it in two French braids

"Harry, how is your hair dry?" he asks and harry shrugs as Louis ties a seaweed buckle Harry handed him onto the end of a completed braid

"It doesn't get wet unless i want it to" he responds and louis nods

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