Chapter Five

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Harry and louis went back into a cave after that, harry wanting to get louis out of the water. Harry pushed louis up onto a branch where he shook all the water from his sodden feathers. He began to preen them, carefully fixing them back to the way they were before, despite there being no point in it, he would have to get wet again it he ever wanted to leave this underwater cave. He sighed and gave up, shaking once more before settling low on the branch, shivering lightly at the chilly air in the cave. Harry looked at him, slightly worried before reaching up and tipping him backwards. Louis let him and harry pulled him down into the water, which was thankfully warmer then the air. Harry swam them over to the shallows, the water just reaching their necks.

Harry leans over and kisses louis who's sat beside him, his hands going to the sides of louis face, pulling him closer as louis wet hands tangle in harry's hair, which was still dry. Louis swings his leg over harry's hips and settles, straddling harry's scaly tail, deepening the kiss. Harry whimpers and his hips jerk up involuntarily making louis groan as his arms wrap around harry's neck, pulling him impossibly closer. Harry's hands arms wrap around louis back, under his armpits, and his hands rest on louis shoulders gripping them tightly.

When Harry pulls back he's breathless, spacey and whimpering lightly. "L-Louis, p-please" he rasps, his face inches from louis, which held a look of apprehension 

"Are you sure harry?" He asked and harry whimpered kissing louis messily three times his hands moving to squeeze louis bum as he does, the latter squeaking lightly as he feels the pressure, before melting into harry's warm touch as his hands come to rest on louis waist gently gripping the small amount of pudge there.

"P-Please..." he whimpers breathlessly biting his lips and Louis needs no more confirmation.

They'd done things before, but nothing compared to this. Harry and louis sat against the wall of the cave, because if they hadn't, the may have fallen over. Harry was curled to louis side, completely breathless, his eyes hooded, as louis, who was in a smilier state, clutched him tightly, afraid if he didn't have harry to ground him he may just drift off into space.

Both of them slept peacefully that night, comforted by the others presence, but come morning there was hell to pay. They resurfaced just after midday, and louis settled on a tree branch to preen when it happened. A harpy swooped out of the sky and screeched loudly, as she landed next to louis, who looked absolutely terrified despite her small stature.

"Louis Tomlinson where in Zeus's sprawling sky's have you been!" She yelled before collapsing against his chest and beginning to sob.

"Woah... Mum you okay?" He asks just as all his siblings land in the tree, Lottie and Fizzy holding Ernest and Doris respectively. They settled around louis, not noticing the merman in the water below them.

Harry was terrified to say the least, he sunk down in the water lightly, but couldn't bring himself to swim away as Louis mother pulled back and sniffled

"W-we thought they got you..." She murmurs and louis chuckles

"They did't stand a chance, harry saw to that" Louis informs them and harry's eyes go wide in terror as all eyes turn to him, his face heating up.

"What do you mean" Jay asks suspiciously turning slowly back to louis, but keeping an eye on harry as if she believed he would shoot out of the water and tear them to shred's.

"He noticed the humans before i did, leapt up and pulled me out of the tree and brought me underwater, through he was intent on killing me first" louis laughs smiling fondly at harry "But he made sure i was okay, met his dad actually he was nice, then we spent the night in an underwater cave, we didn't want to come up to soon and get caught" He says and harry nods, the only thing visible of him now was his face from his nose up, but the withering look Jay gave him made him sink even lower, now immersed up to his eyes, which were wide in fright as he tried to hide behind louis tail.

"What's wrong Haz?" Louis asked and harry shook his head shutting his eyes tightly, breathing heavily.

"Kids go home" Jay says curly and they take off, startled by their mothers tone, and unwilling to challenge her. He shoots upwards off the branch high into the sky, above the clouds and harry re-emerges a look of relief spreading across his face as he back up towards the middle of the lake slightly

"She scared me...the look she gave me..." he shivers and louis sighs

"Its okay haz" Louis says just as a shadow appears above harry, growing bigger and bigger going unnoticed by harry. Louis looks up and sees that his mother did not leave.

She was shooting out of the sky, her wings tucked to her back as he dove, they opened wide and thats when harry noticed the twin set of razor sharp claws coming art his face and cowered in fear. He waits for the impact but it never comes. He opens his eyes to see a feathery pair of legs close to his face, but they were a soft golden brown, unlike the darker shade that were coming to kill him moments before.

Louis hovered above him, screeching, his wickedly sharp claws extended not in harry direction, but in his mothers, who was hovering over her son, a sharp angry look on her face as her son wailed at her. Louis wings beat the air rapidly as he protected harry who was quivering, in the water, his wide eyes on louis who had just saved his life. He bursts into tears and covers his face with his hands as Jay angrily goes over and perches herself on the branch louis had previously occupied. Louis pure look of anger frightened harry, louis intense blue eyes a indication of how angry he was, his eyebrows furrowed his expression dark, but as he turned to harry, his expression softened and he leans down and pulls harry into his arms, who begins to sob, burying his face in louis shoulder.

"It's Okay..." Louis soothes him and harry nods into his shoulder, taking a deep breath before pulling back and sinking into the water again, as his eyes land on Jay. Louis whirls around to face his mother, who's expression was transformed from anger to confusion. Louis turns back to harry, grabbing him by his shoulder and dragging harry's resisting body in towards his mother. He flys backwards with his hands on harry's shoulders, a terrified look returning to his face. Louis claws scrape the bottom of the lake when he lands, he's waist deep and he pulls harry to his side, reassuring him he was safe

"Mother" Louis growls at his puffed up mother "This is Harry, my boyfriend" he says tightening his grip on harry who was shocked by the title louis had given him, it make him feel bubbly and warm inside, as if his heart had liquified in his chest. He blushed lightly looking to louis face. Louis looked gorgeous, his face a fierce display of protectiveness, as he stood up for someone he cared about.

Then without a word, and a confused look on her face Jay flies off in a blur of feathers. Louis sighs, his face softening once again as he turns back to harry, kissing him gently making harry relax under his touch.

Harry pulls back with a soppy smile on his face "Boyfriend?" He asks and louis smiles

"Well thats what you are aren't you? A boyfriend?" He asks humming slightly as he kisses harry's hand, making the latter blush and make a sort of elongated 'gah' sound. Louis chuckles at harry's cute sound.

A week passed before harry disappeared, sending a mermaid to meet Louis at the surface. Louis was perched on the rock they usually met at when a head of red hair raises above the water, followed by an unfamiliar face. Louis excitement to see harry fails him, transforming into confusion and then fear, was harry okay?

When the mermaid saw him she smiled lightly "Harry sent me to convey a message" she says and louis frowns nodding his head and waiting for the message.

"Harry wanted me to tell you, he has to go visit relatives, he didn't have time to come say goodbye, but he'll be back in a week" she says and louis frowns confused and a little hurt

"Oh okay..." He says and the mermaid smiles before turning and diving back into the deep blue water, and the last flick of her tail splashed a stunned louis with water, making him sigh and fly back to his nest, unaware of Harry, who was hiding in the reeds a few feet away.

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