Chapter Two

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Louis walks through the forest calm unlike the last time he had done this. He sighed readjusting his wing on his back, wincing as it twinges slightly. When he gets to the waters edge he sits down, dipping the tips of his claws in the cool water.

He lets out a startled squawk as something warm and wet takes hold of his ankles. He tries to take off and fly away but falls out of the air is bandaged wing unable to move. That's when he gets a good glance at what had grabbed him.


Resting in the water, his tail swishing back and forth to keep his bare torso above the water.

"Sorry...." he says blushing "Didn't mean to scare you" He said and louis smiles

"It's alright" he says rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "You just frightened me is all"

Harry smiles, blushing slightly as louis settles back onto the shore, crossing his feathery legs underneath him.

"How's your wing doing?" he asks and louis shrugs

"Better i guess, it still hurts a little but its healing" Louis says and harry nods, looking down awkwardly for a moment before speaking up again.

"C-can i show you something?" He asks and louis tilts his head slightly to the side, his eyebrows furrowing.

"If you want to" He answers and harry beams, waving louis forwards and sinking under the wate, shooting quickly out into the middle of the large inlet. Louis sits there for a moment, unsure of how to follow exactly before harry's head pops out of the water, looking around for him and upon realizing louis hadn't moved he speeds back.

"Why aren't you following?" he asks before a look of realization washes over him "Oh" he simply states

"Yeah, i can't exactly fly at the moment" He says and harry nods turning his back on louis and looking over his shoulder at him.

"Hop on" he says and louis cocks an eyebrow

"Are you sure?" He asks, getting to his feet

"Yeah! Climb on Lou" he says

"Lou?" Louis asks and harry chuckles

"Yup now get on" he says and louis does, carefully getting down and clinging to harry's wet back. He just has his arms wrapped securely around harry's neck when harry takes off, cutting through the water with ease

Harry leans back over his shoulder and yells to louis "Hold your breath!"

Then harry's leapt off the edge of the world, their momentum propelling them through the air before harry dives, gracefully his hands pressed together in front of him, hitting the water in an explosion of bubbles. They surface and louis lets out the breath he was holding, starring backwards in amazement at the massive waterfall the was gradually getting smaller as they swam to the other side of the cove they had landed in. Harry slows to a stop and louis climbs off, the water coming up to his thighs, and wades to shore with his mouth wide.

The place was beautiful, a full open grassy meadow dotted with blue flowers, surrounded by tall birch trees, a mountain stood tall in the distance and louis fell in love instantly.

"This place is...." he said

"Beautiful?" Harry asked and louis nodded, stepping further into the meadow and spotting a satyr grazing on the other side. It looked up and waved at him and he waved back, then the satyr went back to grazing peacefully, his blonde hair almost while in the sun.

Louis turned back to harry and sat down on the shore. "Thank you for showing me this harry, its a beautiful place." He says and harry smiles

"Underwater here is gorgeous as well, the coral is all bright colours and there are starfish everywhere." He says

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