Chapter Seven

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Louis goes back to his nest defeated that his own mother did not support his decisions. He had hope that her impending grandkid would sober her up a little bit, but no such luck, she was still being as rude as ever. He hopes she would realize what she was doing and correct it before any child came into the picture, or became old enough to realize, hey why does grandma hate me? The thought scared him, so he curled up in his nest and went to sleep, but that held no relief, as he plunged headfirst into a nightmare.

A small child with harpy wings and a short chubby blue tail clumsily flew through the woods, terrified and alone. He could hear the shouts behind Her, see the fires before they even came into sight. Creatures of all kinds, carrying sharp sticks and brandishing flaming branches, and his mother in the midst of the horde. He urged the child on, but she didn't seem to hear him as she fell out of the air, crawling the short distance to the lake, which was only a few inches deep filled with a thick mud that was sure to suffocate the small child, and she seemed to know this as she changed direction and fly the other way, trying desperately to avoid the mob behind her. He could hear someone crying and screaming for the child in the distance and instantly knew it was harry, they had chased her away from him and were now pursuing her at a deadly speed. She was crying and tried to loop around and return to her father in the water but she ran into the tail end of the mob, which closed ranks around her quickly getting closer and closer....

Louis woke up in a cold sweat, jerking upright and shaking as he made his way to the sloping shore near his nest, a quite place he had recently found, the warm breeze comforting, the reeds surrounding him made him feel protected and safe.

"Can't sleep?" a voice asks and louis jumps out of his skin, tears wet on his face, still there from his dream. He turns following harry's voice until he spotted the man himself, on the shore with his knees, or where his knees should be curled to his chest, his fin resting against the ground as he looked to the sky, the stars seemed to be giving him some comfort.

"No. Nightmare, bad one, you?" he asks and harry smiles

"Slept too much, can't sleep though the night because i fell asleep before sunset, like way before sunset it was closer to noon" he says chuckling as louis scoots closer, and he  grasps harrys hand

"Now what's this about a nightmare?" He asks Louis concerned and Louis sighed

"I dreamed about our kid, she was a mix of us, a blue tail and wings, you hair, my eyes" he says smiling "but she was begin chased, i think the creatures chased her away from you because i could hear you wailing for her, but they chased her and she couldn't fly very well because of her tail and she couldn't find any water to submerge herself in, they all surrounded her and then i woke up, they had sharp sticks and fire...." He says and harry shudders "Im just scared they wont accept the kid, they don't accept you and me, but i can live through that, but i don't want to subject that onto a child..." he says and harry nods

"It scares me too" he says placing a hand on his stomach, which spare a little bit of a pooch, was flat. Louis placed his hand on top of harry's

"we'll we just have to protect them, nothing can harm our baby" he says and harry nods fiercely his hand moving up and down on his belly, moving Louis' with it. Then harry kisses louis, and it soon escalates into more and then harry's pulling away with his eyes closed biting his lip so hard he's about a second away from drawing blood.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks and harry opens his eyes sighing, his cheeks blush red as he stutters

"I-its not that i didn't like bottoming, but c-can i top this time, i feel like it would be easier, like with my tail and all, finding a position last time was hard." he says and Louis chuckles

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