Chapter Nine

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As Louis stumbled through the long dark tunnel, his only consolation was that the cave was damp, dripping cold water. Streams of water ran down the side of the tunnel that was lit with glowing lanterns, he didn't know what was inside them, and he didnt really care as he hurried along. As he got to the end of the tunnel after a full twenty minute walk, he blinked a few times in the harsh daylight before walking down the embankment to where there was a disturbance in the dirt. He rolled his eyes at how stupid the people were, leaving him a trail to follow, not stopping to think maybe they did it on purpose. He was suspicious though, so he hovered over the ground, following the trail until it stopped at the edge of a lake, a deep triangular indentation in the wet mud. This gave him hope, they were travelling over water, so if harry did manage to escape he would be safe in the water as long as he went deep enough. He landed on the shore, unable to go further, because he did not know what way they went.

Harry had almost managed to escape. He still couldn't see, and his arms were bond. He had tried to wiggle out of their grip as they tried to put him in the boat, flicking and flailing shrieking as loudly as he could until one of them pressed something hard against his back, down low and he froze in fear for his unborn child. They threw him in a clear glass box, just big enough for him, before cutting his hands free and removing the bag from over his head. He hissed and wrapped his arms around his bump. The group of humans laughed as he tried to speak.

"Let me go!" he screeched "My boyfriend will come for me!" and they just laughed

"What the fuck is it saying?" A female asked poking the side of his box with a foot, making harry shy back, growling loudly making them laugh even harder

"Oh we have a fighter here!" another one laughed and then he was poked into the darkness below the deck. A light flicked on and harry curled in on himself at the sight before him. A mermaid was hung upside down, completely naked and angry. She growled and thrashed curling her body back up and clawing at the rope around her tail. Then she noticed harry, who was clutching his bump, pressed into the smallest position he could manage in the tight box. She froze and her eyes widened as she spotted him.

"Oh hell no" She says swinging herself back and forth until she managed to grab onto the edge of harry's box, she looked him in the eyes, pleading

"Are you okay?" She asked and he shook his head, surprised how easily the sound carried through the box.

"M-my boyfriend, h-hell be so worried, w-we're having a baby or babies" she says looking down and she nods, smiling lightly as her short messy green hair falling in her face slightly

"Mind helping me out, when they come down here, i can escape and try and send help" she says and harry nods as she flicks the latch on his box(after beating it with her fist a couple of times) . The bottom of the boat was filled with enough warm soupy, gross water for harry to move around in as he worked to undo the girls tail which was red and blistered, the rope biting into the scales there. He suddenly gets an idea, reaching down and yanking a scale off of his tail with a yelp of pain. He closes his eyes for a moment as the pain subsides before beginning to hack away at the rope with the scale, making the girl look at him in shock and astonishment. Soon he's through the ropes and the girl falls, harry catching her with the best of his ability before lowering her into the water.

"Dude, that was intense" she says, her black tail swishing back and forth in the water.

"It doesn't matter, how is this going to work?" he asks and she shrugs

"Not a clue, but as soon as they come down here, we have to work together, overpower them and go up those stairs and over the side of the boat" she says and he nods

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