Chapter Thirteen

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They spiralled down through the air, and louis had to pull his wings tight to his body to avoid breaking them, dark scarily red blood was coating his feathers and splattering back onto harry as they fell.

"Louis!" Harry shrieks and Louis curls himself around harry, trying to protect both his boyfriend and their babies, spreading his wings at the last second to try and slow their momentum

Then they crash into the ground and louis wings don't slow them down as much as he hoped. Louis groans in pain and Harry instantly moves off of him and his eyes instantly go to the red, fleshy hole in louis side. Harry begins to cry as he presses his hands into Louis side, trying to stop the flow of blood coming from both front and back of louis torso.

Fern is sitting and crying off to the side, not hurt as Louis had thrown her off of him when they began to fall. She had spread her wings and glided down, despite being able to fly Louis knew she would be able to do that. She had landed beside them, and was so scared. Harry frowned over at her softly, his parental instincts kicking in as he seen the crying child

"Sweetheart, you'll be okay" he says "How old are you?" He asks trying to keep her occupied

"Four" she answered shakily,

"Well little mrs four year old, i need your help. Go and get me as much moss as you can carry from over there and then hide okay?" Harry asks and she nods, walking over to the nearby trees and pulling the moist moss from the ground. She returns it to Harry who smiles as she flaps her wings fiercely, managing to get to the first branch of the nearest tree, using her claws to climb high into the foliage. Once harry can no longer see her he turns back to Louis and presses the moss into the through and through wound in his side. It slows the blood flow significantly and harry sighs

"Harry..." Louis rasps "I-I love you s-so much" he says and coughs cringing as pain shoots through him

"Louis! Don't you dare die on me!" He cries and Louis shakes his head

"I-Im trying not to, i w-wanna spend my life with you and the children" He says and laughs, which promptly turns into a hacking cough. Then he smiles up at harry and puts one of his hands on the side of harry's face

"Marry me"

Then the humans run into the clearing and harry has to tear his dumbfounded face from Louis smiling one, which promptly turns horrified once he sees the new terror that had reared its ugly face. Harry turns around, planting his butt in front of louis, and he looked downright terrifying.

He was practically growling, a deep rumble that even made louis, who was barely conscious, fearful to get on harry's bad side. His eyes were a black with anger, reduced to mere slits as his gaze shifted back and forth between the three humans that entered the small clearing. They all kept their distance from the angry merman. They whispered to each other in hushed tones, as harry practically frothed at the mouth as he viciously protected protected louis and his children with all he possessed.

Harry grabs a heavy branch from the ground beside him and swings it at the people, knocking one of them onto the ground, with a shout of anger. Harry swings the branch around, ready to knock the other two down but the only woman in the group stomps on the branch, cracking it off so it was too short to reach them. This didn't phase harry, however as he threw the stick aside, grabbing the smaller, sturdier one that was heavy in his hands.

The second guy pulls himself to his feet, muttering curse words in harry's general direction. The group advances and harry swings the branch as one of them lunges at him, knocking them out with the help of a tree they fell into trying to avoid harry's swing, getting hit with both the branch and a tree in the process. Harry spins himself on the soft forest floor, knocking the other guy off his feet and raises the branch again, pulling himself upright again. He abandons the club and punches the guy square in the face, then picks up a rock swings his fist at the side of his head, knocking the guy out as well before he hears a click behind him. He turns back and the woman has her weapon held up pointed at his stomach. Harry's hands instantly go there, covering it with his arms and rather large hands to the best of his ability after he drops the rock, moving back in front of Louis.

Throughout all this nobody notices the young harpy leaping through the trees and out of sight, headed towards the water, towards help. The woman walks forward and ties harry's hands together behind his back, making him feel way more exposed then he was comfortable with. She moves on to louis, who was in no state to rebel tying him up as well. She places him and harry back to back, which allows harry to pull his tail up to protect his belly. She speaks into a device she plucked off her belt, rolling her eyes and pacing as she nudges the two knocked out men with her boot. Then she clips the black box back to her belt and returns her gaze back to harry and louis, the latter of which was mumbling something about rainbows and blueberries under his breath. Harry wrapped his hand around louis between their backs, and took comfort in the skin to skin contact as the woman crouched in front of him, smirking.

"Your going to regret ever going that mermaid" she sneers and even though harry doesn't understand exactly what she's saying, he gets the gist of it mostly due to her tone. It could also be due to the slap that send harry sideways, falling into the grass with a cry of alarm, his fingers slipping out of louis. Harry panics then, curling into a ball to protect the triplets as she begins to kick him repeatedly, his back and his tail, his head and ribs, but not his stomach as harry does his best to protect it. He shrieks in pain and this seems to bring louis out of his slump, and he turns around. it still takes him a moment before he realizes just whats happening.

"Stop!" he yells stumbling to his feet shakily gasping at the pain that radiates from his side, as if someone changed his blood with molten iron. He stumbles forwards and drops to the ground by harry and the woman stops kicking looking at them curiously. Louis drapes himself over harry guarding the sobbing merman from further harm.

Then much to Harry and Louis horror, almost a dozen more people flood the clearing. Louis tows harry onto his back and pulls himself onto harry, straddling his waist, protecting harry's face and torso. Harrys tail flicks up, despite the pain he's in as he attempts to guard louis to the best of his ability. The two of them cling to each other as if their lives depended on it, which it may have.

The humans pulled them roughly apart and pulls them to their feet, or just upright in harry's case. Before they can bring them anywhere all hell breaks loose.

A shout comes up from the woods and a wall of Satyrs, Centaurs, nymphs, Harpies and every other mythical begin imaginable poured out of the woods, charging with a loud war cry each of them holding various weapons and very angry mother Harpy at the lead.

The people scatter, dropping harry and Louis to the ground as they flee the horde chasing them them cheering coming up from them as they go. Jay splits from the mob of angry creatures and runs up to Louis and pulling him upright, a satyr following her.

"Im having triplets mom..." he informs her before passing out. Harry panics, wiggling over to where jay was working on louis wound

"congratulations on your babies Harry" Jay says and quickly cuts his bonds, freeing harry's hands then returning to louis would

"Is he going to be okay?" Harry asks her and she nods

"Thanks to your moss idea, you slowed his bleeding significantly, i owe my sons life to you"

"A-all i want is for him to be safe..." he say grabbing louis hand in two of his own. 

"Im sorry for what i did to you before, i was over reacting to fear, I understand how much you love my son now, and your children" Jay says and harry smiles at her softly

"I would do anything for Louis or our children" Harry weakly mutters and Jay nods

"I believe Louis would do the same for you" she say as she moves back and allows the satyr to play his pipes over Louis. Miraculously, the wound heals over. 

"He's going to still feel some of the pain, the external wound is healed though" he informs them and Jay nods thanking the satyr who runs off to join the mob. Then she goes to pick louis up but harry beats her to it, cradling him in his arms, pressing his forehead to louis, fighting back tears as he takes a deep breath.

"Do you mind helping me to the water, i-i cant bring him thorough underwater if he's unconscious though, I'm afraid ill drown him" Harry asks, not looking up and Jay nods she pulls louis gently from his arms, laying him on the ground and scooping up harry, bringing him to the water before going back to louis, all of them going back to the safety of home. 

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