What The Hell!?!?

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Clint Barton Pov

I groan in frustration as I check my watch. We have been searching all night but we can't find her. It's just past six-thirty and the sun is still rising. We ditched our bikes about twenty minutes ago, as we are now in a huge park just scanning the area.

I go to voice my complaints but then I hear something, it sounds like... humming? I instantly follow the sound. Steve catches on and we both follow the sound of the humming.

Steve points at a figure that is barely noticeable in the distance, I nod as I clarify that it is Hurricane or 'Isla'. We creep closer until she is only a couple metres ahead.

That's when my stupid ass self, decides to step on a twig, a snapping sound echoing through the trees. She freezes before turning around, searching for the source of the sound but we have already ducked out of sight.

She shrugs it off and continues walking as we follow. Once I'm sure she won't expect us I nod at cap and we step out from the thick trees. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Caps voice sounds through the trees and Isla freezes, her body going rigid.

She slowly turns around to face us. "Why can't you people just leave me alone!" She exclaims with an exasperated sigh.

"Like I said before we're just trying to help." Steve says as we slowly inch closer.

"Well I don't want your fucking help, I want you to leave me alone! you idiots!" she yells, taking a few small steps back. She starts to walk back a little faster as we get even closer. Seeing this I run at her, attempting to grab her but she turns and sprints off.

We chase after her, Steve muttering things into the com set, probably calling for back up. Just as we're gaining on her she speedily scales a tree. We glare up at her as she sits down on a thick branch.

I smirk, a plan forming in my brain. I shoot an explosive arrow into the tree trunk beside her head, she sends me a confused look but I just smirk. As the arrow explodes she falls from the tree, just barely grabbing onto one of the lower branches.

Isla dangles from the tree by her arms as we smirk up at her. "Need a hand?" I say smugly. She sends me a death glare, which I must admit is pretty scary.

"Oh screw you!" She spits at me before dropping to the ground. Steve goes to grab her but she manages to avoid him and kick him in the face. He falls to the ground clutching his face and she grabs his head slamming it against her knee, he falls to the ground unconscious.

I grab her shoulders throwing her into a nearby tree. Ouch, that had to hurt, I think as she staggers up clutching her bruised side. "I really didn't want to do this but you've given me no choice. " I say walking up to her. She kicks my feet out from under me and I fall to the ground.

Isla tries to run but I grab her ankle, she falls to the ground and I hear the sound of a bone snapping. I look down to see her ankle at an odd angle but slowly healing. Ouch.

I stand and loom down at her. "Looks like you'll be coming with me. " I say reaching down to grab her. That's when I feel a sharp pain in the back of my skull and I'm crumbling to the ground. I look up just in time to see Isla stare up at the person behind me in shock, but then my vision goes black. I have one final thought 'What the hell!?!?'


When I come to, it's to someone shaking my shoulders. I open my eyes to see Nat shaking me, the other avengers and a squad of shield agents all in the little clearing. I look to see cap has come to as well. "She got away, didn't she." I state with a sigh. Nat nods

"How did she knock you out?" She asks curiously.

"She didn't, I was about to grab her when someone came up behind me and hit me in the head... with a fucking rock." I groan face palming.

Great now we have to find her all over again. We're back to square one.

A/N Hey, soooooo here's the chapter, I know its a little short but I had to set it up for the next chapter... sorry it took a whole for me to update but anyway my ankle is better and school is almost over😢😁😭😄 as you can see I have very mixed emotions, welp bye :)

                                                       By mysterious_mischief

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