Just My Luck

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Isla Black Pov

I wake with a yawn, stretching my arms above my head. I roll onto my side and see Melody sleeping on the bed next to mine. I smile and quickly slip out of bed.

I look at the clock on the wall seeing it's about 8 AM. I gently shake Mel awake. She groans but opens her eyes. She looks at me confused before a look of realisation clouds her features.

"Morning Isla..." she mumbles groggily to which I smile. I walk to the bathroom to shower in hot water (which I probably haven't done since at least last year ago).

As I'm walking out I have to try very hard not to laugh at the sight in front of me. Melody had obviously tried to get out of bed but... she didn't get very far, considering she's sprawled out face down on the floor. I snicker ever so slightly as she attempts to stand but just gives up and lays back down.

I walk over and help her up and she laughs like a goofball and I'm probably smiling like an idiot. "You should probs have a shower because I don't think I'll be able to afford another hotel room for a while and this one has hot water." I suggest lightly pushing her towards the bathroom.

She just grumbles tiredly and walks into the bathroom. I put together all my things and stuff them in my bag while I was waiting for her to finish showering.

When she comes out of the small bathroom the looks a lot more awake and we sit down on the beds. I chuck her an apple and a slice of bread from my bag. We quickly eat our breakfast and leave the hotel, not wanting to stay in one place too long.

We put our key in at the desk and head towards a park slightly further out of the main part of the city. We walk around the park just talking and becoming friends and I think I'm closer to her than I've been to anyone in years. I feel like an overprotective older sister, I feel like we're non-biological sisters. Our bond has grown and now I'd murder for her and she'd do the same for me given the chance.

We sit down on a park bench under a massive oak tree. " So we know pretty much everything about each other now I'd sa-" I'm cut off by a loud group of footsteps coming towards us and by loud, I mean LOUD.

We turn to the source of the sound only to see my greatest friends, followed by a couple dozen squads of SHIELD agents... Fuck. I am royally screwed.

" Well, this is starting to feel like deja vu isn't?" Clint remarks from the front of the group. I turn to Mel and she looks mildly terrified.

" Well, just my luck innit? Sorry, Mel you probably shoulda' ditched me first chance you got." I say smiling at her wearily.

" Nah, sounds boring!" She exclaims with a small laugh. I grin back at her

" Well, then it looks like you'll both be coming with us." Tony says with a smirk.

" hahaha! You're hilarious, tin man!" I laugh wiping a fake tear.

"Ok, then I guess we'll just keep doing it like we did, Violence is always the answer apparently." Tony replies as the SHIELD agents aim their guns at us. Shit.

"Hey, Mel? Try not to die yeah?" I say turning to Melody slightly and she nods. I stand in front of her like a human shield. The Avengers go for the 'all run at me at once' method. I fire lightning out of my fingertips. That usually only happens when I'm angry but I'm not...cool.

The lightning bounces of caps shield and he stumbles back slightly. I send a gust of wind at the agents to slow them down. The agent's fire what looks like stun darts, instead of bullets but none of them are very good shots, as we dart around like rabbits trying to escape.

I freeze the air around Tony 'cause he's closest. His suit is frozen so he can't move which only leaves two... wait where's clint? That's when I hear a scream from behind me. Melody. I spin around fast enough to give a normal human whiplash.

I see Mel in Clint's tight grip, a small knife waaay to close to her neck for my liking. " I'm sure there's a civil way we can do this, just put her down." I say slightly desperately, easing closer to them.

"No you had your chance now you're both coming with us so surrender now and nobody gets hurt." He says in a slightly threatening tone and I nearly burst into tears out of pure fear for my sister's life, well I call her my sister. I see Melody struggling in his hold and know I don't have a choice.

"Let me go you asshole!" Mel yells thrashing around in his hold but he doesn't let go and I know he's not going too, so I act fast.

" Ok! Ok! Just don't hurt her!" I say putting my hands up in surrender. I hear someone come up behind me and more of those stupid cuffs are put on my wrists. An agent grabs each of my arms and I sigh in defeat.

Clint releases Melody only to be slapped in the face by her. An agent grabs one of her arms and leads her in the same direction we're going. The other asshole- I mean the Avengers form a tight circle around us as we are led further into some trees. I lower my head in defeat but keep a close eye on Melody to make sure they don't hurt her. I know we're the same age but I feel like a protective older sister.

Soon we come to a clearing where there is some sort of jet/plane looking thing. They march us over to it and as we get closer I realise it's quite a bit bigger than I had anticipated.

I make eye contact with Melody and we both gulp, most likely audibly.

They march us on and there are even more agents inside. Cue my internal screaming. We sit down on some seats, Mel and I across from each other. I give her a look which she mirrors and it reads clear, 'We are in some deep shit'.

After about twenty minutes of flying and me trying to plan an escape with Mel, completely through eye contact, that we begin to land on the Hellicarrier. I sigh exasperated, while Melody looks pretty panicked. I try to comfort and soothe her but there's not much I can do through eye contact.

As we are being led out of the vehicle we end up walking pretty much next to each other. " Are you okay Mel?" I question concerned.

" I'm not exactly sure how 'okay' one can be in this situation but I'll be fine." She replies with a slightly shaky smile. I attempt to smile soothingly and reassuringly but more agents swarm us as we are led to our 'cell'.

I guess they're taking no chances now that I've already managed to escape once, and now they probably think I brought Mel as back up, idiots. There is now the Avengers (you know the people who saved the fucking world on numerous occasions), Nick Fury (the fucking director of SHIELD) and about 4-5 dozen agents (not to mention the ones stationed and standing around the hallways) 'escorting' us to our cell.

Oh they're scared, hell they're more than scared, they're terrified. Good.

They lead us into a cell with 2 beds, a bathroom stall in the corner, a table and 4 chairs. Good, they put us in the same 'cell', although I'm pretty sure if they didn't we both would have screamed and fought until they did.

"Now I know I've said this before and it wasn't true but now there is really no escape you're trapped, Hurricane, admit it." Fury says with a deep scowl, practically staring us down from across the table we're currently sitting at.

"That's what you think, patchy the pirate, we will get out of here, we will escape and I'd like to see you try and stop us." I say confidently but it was all an act.

I was terrified, they had captured me again after I had barely escaped the first time. I don't think I have enough energy to escape again anytime soon and worst of all, I've dragged Melody into this. I'm doomed, why do things like this always happen to me? Maybe I'm cursed or something. Maybe, it's just my luck.

A/N HELLO READERS anyway sorry it took so long to update if you read my other book it explains that I have been on holiday with no wifi or cell reception since the 21st dec and I only got back a couple days ago so I updated as soon as I could, sorry if it's not very good but I'm trying😅 so goodbye for now👋👋👋
By mysterious_mischief

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