Ugh, You Again?

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I made it out of town and start towards my temporary house. As I'm making my way back to the abandoned houses another blue sphere hits the ground and we all know what that means...

Isla Black Pov
That major sense of deja vu was surging through my veins as I glare at the superheroes in front of me. I'm not really paying attention to them because I am planning my escape.

"Ugh, you guys again can't you just leave me alone!" I all but groan with an exasperated sigh. I guess the world just hates me. I know it's a little far fetched but look at my life and tell me that's normal. That's the thing, you can't because it's not.

" when will you leave! Just give up already !" I nearly shout in anger but I mean what I say, can't they just give up? Leave me alone? I haven't done anything wrong but breathe. Oh, there's my crime.

"When will you just come with us?" Cap shot back. Touché Captain touché.

"Sure I'll give up let's set a date how about the 30th of February sound good to you? Sounds brilliant to me." I reply sounding extremely sarcastic.

They think that this is gonna be easy. I'm about to put them through hell and hopefully, they won't make it out. I give them a smile but it's nowhere near friendly it's almost sadistic.

"you want me?" I say my smile turning into a smirk. "Come and get me," I say before sprinting into the opposite direction getting the wind to push me forward.

I turn to see Tony and Cap getting too close for comfort so I stop and turn around. They stop only a few feet away from me. Slowly the other avengers catch up to us and I narrow my glare onto stark.

"Maybe I wasn't clear enough for you, basically to sum up what I have said I would say... fuck off! " I practically seethe beyond pissed at this point. All I wanted was a normal life out on the streets, but no of course not.

" I don't want to hit a girl trust me but I will if it means bringing you in," Cap says slowly coming towards me. Hmmm, Cap and his morals they might Just get him killed one day.

I blow them all back with a wind so strong it sends them flying a few kilometres. I quickly turn the air around them so cold they find it hard to move.

I hear a grunt and see Cap lying on the ground where he was originally standing with his shield lodged into the ground. Ugh. I glare at him as he stands up and brushes my attack off as if it was nothing.

"Looks like it's just you and me Captain. Hmm, I guess you're gonna have to break your ' no hurting girls rule." I say snarkily before he charges at me. I quickly side step him but he grabs my waist. Just as he is pulling me to the ground I swap our positions so that I land on top.

A smirk finds its way onto my face as he drops his shield in surprise. I quickly pin down his flailing limbs so that he can't move. "The great fall of Captain America." I taunt with a mischievous grin.

He pushes against my arms with such a strength I fall back and he pins me down. "You were saying?" he says with his own small smirk. I scowl at him before kicking him in the stomach.

He falters slightly before going to punch me. I curl in in myself putting my hands in front of my face." P-please stop-p!" I 'beg' turning on the water works. "Please, I didn't want this! Any of this I just want a normal life!" I 'sob'. His face softens and he pulls his fists back. Gottcha.

I quickly punch him in the gut before rolling out from under him skillfully. What can I say, I'm experienced with fighting guys bigger than me. I live on the streets it's an occupational hazard. Wait back to the fight, man I get distracted easily.

He throws a punch and successfully hits my jaw making me tumble to the ground. " Ouch spangles, that hurt!" I almost whine like the little kid I can be on the inside. "You know there's a reason they say not to hit girls Rogers." I say darkly while standing and backing up slightly.

"And what might that be?" Asks Steve/Cap. I smirk a mischievous smirk that could rival loki's. Yes, I am aware of the gods, even shield and hydra it's great how so many criminals live on the streets. They have so many secrets to spill.

"Because, Capsicle we hit back, twice.As .Hard." I say lunging forward so fast it gives him no time to react.

That is when our dear friends (note my sarcasm) the Avengers break free running towards us. As I am watching them probably looking terrified Steve switched our positions so he's pinning me down. Shit. Frankly, I don't know how I was holding on so long when we were fighting. He's fucking Captain America for god's sake.

"Well, well, well looks like we finally caught the Hurricane." Tony practically sings walking up to us. I chuckle and look up at him innocently.

"Have you Tony? Have you really?" I ponder looking up at him questioningly. He looks at me confused before saying.

"Wait we have actually caught her right guys? I'm not dreaming?" He asks bewildered.

"We have caught you have we not, lady hurricane?" Thor inquiries looking just as confused.

"looks can be deceiving, things you thought you saw, things you thought you were seeing. It's a confusing world we live in but somehow it makes sense to us, does it not?" I say looking up at the six heroes staring down at me.

"you think you have found me but you've just given me a chance to see how you fight, how I can beat you. You have just helped me to escape without realising. You just helped the enemy willingly and had no idea. Strange world we live in." I state. The other just gawk at me giving me a chance to escape.

While Caps grip is loose I slither out, fast as a cheetah, silent as a mouse.

I spring into the air so I'm flying a few feet above their heads. They try to grab me again but fail." if you had just left me alone I wouldn't have had to hurt anybody now people are going to get hurt." I warn the Avengers my tone laced with ice, my heart as hard as stone.

"Was that a threat hurricane?" Natasha grits out.

"Of course not, It was a promise." Is my simple yet effective reply as I create a mini thunderstorm above them complete with crackling lightning hitting the ground around them. It starts to rain from the dark clouds and I make my escape in the midst of the chaos but not before my leaving line." Watch your back, lock your doors, there's a reason they call me Hurricane. Now I've sharpened my claws there's no escape. Fly away superheroes with your new fear but you can't escape the darkness, it will wait."

A/N well on that slightly scary note I end this chapter thanks for reading guys I really appreciate it. Without you, there is no book just pages filled with meaningless letters.




See ya later, mysterious_mischief

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