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Isla Black POV

"Isla heads up!" 

My head snaps up on reflex at the sound of Melody's shout, only to scrunch back down as a blade narrowly misses my face. 

"We've been over this, Mel! Do not say 'heads up' when you in fact mean duck!" I yell in exasperation, swivelling to my left to avoid a secondary knife as it whizzes passed.

Melody turns to me with a sheepish grin and a shrug. I feel only fondness blossom in my chest like a warm surge. How has she survived so long without me?

Then the bright glint of metal shines mere inches from the side of her ribcage and I barely think, my hand raising barely past my waist before a surge of violet lightning knocks the blade of course. I've definitely gotten better at that, I can almost control my lightning without moving my body at all, and It's more precise, considering I didn't manage to fry Melody in the process. 

"Jesus Christ!" She darts away from where the dagger almost lodged itself into her side," Maybe we should be taking this a little more seriously, damn." Melody grins and walks swiftly towards me. 

"Nah, where's the fun in that?"

"This is why we get along so well."

"My borderline suicidal carelessness?" 

"Of course, we match." Her grin is unbelievably beautiful as she reaches me and tugs me by the arm to crouch behind a barricade. 

So maybe when I called her my 'little sister' I might have been deflecting a teeny tiny bit; sue me. 

A loud crash sounds from the other side of our little barricade, much louder than the incessant sound of blades flying through the air from all directions and sticking themselves firmly into the grey walls and pillars.  I duck around to assess the damage and sigh. Unfortunately said crash happened to be three agents storming into the room dressed head to toe in combat black. Less than ideal news. 

"Oh great, they bought us toys to play with." Melody pops her head around the other side of the barricade and smirks at the sight, eyes alight with something vaguely concerning as she surveys the newcomers. 

I swear that girl is always concerning, and she's really gotten a taste for the fight over these few months. She's lucky I love her so much. 

As I am busy being head over heels for the honey-eyed girl, the three agents descend upon us like locusts. One launches himself over the top of our blockade but doesn't have time to attack before Mel lunges. She tackles him to the side and they roll away from the safety of our barrier, back into the storm of flying blades.

My attention is drawn to another agent as she lands a short kick to my abdomen where I am still stupidly crouched against the concrete. I roll to the side with a winded wheeze but quickly womble to my feet and face the tall woman. 

She smirks down at me with a glint in her dark brown eyes and I can't help but mirror it. Ok maybe I'm also having fun; once again, sue me. 

The third agent barrels towards me from my left as I remain in my smirk off but I barely flinch. I swipe a hand out towards him and a gust of wind scoops him up like a disgruntled leaf. He slams into the column Mel is using as cover as she wrestles with the other agent. Eh, she'll deal with him. 

The woman in front of me draws a baton that crackles to life with electricity as she swirls it confidently in hand. Oh, to come at me with my own element, very very brave of her. Sparks shimmer from my playfully swirling fingers that rest casually at my sides. This is going to be too easy.

She descends upon me in a flash, swinging the baton wide and hard, aiming for my chest. I don't bother to move out of her path, bringing my flaring fists to my chest in a protective cross.  A  spiderweb of flickering jagged light bursts from my hands, lightning bolts slamming into her chest and sending her smashing into a distant wall. Drywall falls around her as she crumples to the floor with a limp finality that means she will stay put. Good. 

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