Chapter 25 - (2.5K Words)

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"Why are you so against me going down there and bringing him some coffee?" You asked, putting your good hand on your hip. "I promise I won't get involved in anything with Taehyung or Yoongi. I'll try to stay out of their way."

"You don't understand, it's hard to not get involved," Jin remarked, still searching through the drawer. "No matter what you say or promise me, I can guarantee that something bad is going to happen if you go down there."

"You don't trust me?"

Jin stopped searching, and looked up at you. You could see emotion hidden behind the darkness of his eyes. If anything, he looked hurt.

"That's not what I'm trying to say, (Y/N)," Jin turned to face you, still holding the drawer open. "You should know that."

"Then what are you trying to say?" You asked, leaning against the opposite counter.

Jin sighed, and leaned up against the counter, closing the drawer. He ran his hand through his hair, and opened up a cabinet behind him. He pulled out a coffee mug and set it down on the counter. He pushed himself off the counter, and stood in the doorway on the way to the dining room with his back to you.

"Just don't come back with another set of bandages."

* * * *

I should have listened to Jin.

"I dare you to say that again, you bastard!" Something violently sailed across the room, and shattered against the opposite wall. Tiny shards of glass flew everywhere, dousing Yoongi.

"Maybe you'd be able to hear me if you'd just shut the fuck up!" Yoongi grapped an assorment of medical tools on the table beside his bed, and tossed them at Taehyung. He moved his arms to shield himself from the tools, but it didn't do him much good. Some of the metal tools hit the floor and let out a harsh ringing sound.

I didn't think it was going to be this bad.

Jungkook was sitting behind a desk with his head in his hands. His eyes were wide open and there were dark bags underneath them. The coffee mug was sitting in front of him, untouched, even though he looked as though he severely needed it.

"How long have they been fighting?" You asked Jungkook, waiting for the other boys to stop yelling at each other. It was hard to hear yourself over all of the noise that the two were making.

"They've only been awake for a couple of minutes," Jungkook said, wincing as he heard the shattering of glass. "But they've been fighting since they woke up. I'm not sure what they're causing such a fuss over, but it must be important to them."

"How can they get in a fight that quickly?" You asked, looking over your shoulder at the boys.

"It's not that hard, you'd be surprised," Jungkook said, picking up the mug of coffee and taking a huge swig. "I had to give them both some very strong sedatives so they wouldn't try to hurt each other while I was working on them."

"Is there any way to--"

A bandage roll went haywire and flew over to your side of the room, and hit you right in the back of the head. You gasped and grabbed the back of your neck where it had made its connection. You watched the bandages slowly spin away across the floor and stop just at the foot of the desk.

The coffee mug slammed down onto the desktop, and you jumped.. Jungkook picked up the bandage roll which was by his feet, and raveled it back up. You looked up at him, still holding the back of your head, and you could see that something deep in his eyes had shifted.

"I'm going to go and talk to them," Jungkook said calmly, holding the bandages tightly in his fist. "I do believe that they're getting way out of hand."

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