Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


To Jacob life seemed to be a never ending cycle of work, sleep, and eat. In the past three years since Amy left two more of his friends had gotten married and started families. His circle of friends was shrinking. If he didn't have to care for the farm and his parents he might consider moving somewhere and starting over. Since that wasn't an option he decided to find out what it was about himself that made him unlovable. This would require that he contact the ladies that had dumped him and married someone else.

One of the ladies involved was married to one of his best friends. He had his mom invite them over for supper and waited for the opportunity to ask his questions. It came sooner than he expected. Joshua mentioned their pipeline system and her husband wanted to see it so off they went. She stayed behind with his mom and himself along with their children. The children saw his tree house and begged to go see it. She asked if it was safe and when he said yes she told them that they could go and they were off like a shot. Natalie had already excused herself to go and get a tray of coffee and desert ready because the men would be back shortly and would be expecting it. That left the two of them alone. He quickly took advantage of the situation.

"I hope you don't get offended by what I'm about to ask you, I realize that you are very happy and in no way want to jeopardize that. There's just something that's been nagging at me. What was it about me that you didn't like?"

"That's easy. Nothing, I liked you a lot."

"Then why did you break up with me?"

"That's easy too. You didn't love me."


"Jacob, no woman can bear to hear the man she is with constantly talking about another woman."

"What do you mean by that?"


"Amy, what about Amy?"

"Every time we would be out on a date her name would come up. Something we did reminded you of Amy. Something I said reminded you of Amy. You got a letter from Jasmine and it was full of Amy. Quite frankly Jacob I got quite sick of her and I didn't even know her."

"I never realized it."

"Well, don't obsess about it. As things turned out I am happily married. I love my husband and my children."

Jacob didn't know what else to say to that and was spared having to reply by his mother calling for him to please help her carry things out to the porch. He smiled in the general direction of his friend and excused himself.

Later that night, as he lay in bed, he thought over what she had said. There's no way that I could have done that. She's clearly the jealous type and I'm better off without her he thought to himself.

A couple of weeks later he ran into another one of his doomed loves while he was picking up some material for his mother. She worked in the sewing department and while she cut the material he asked her the same question. He was not prepared for her reaction.

She burst out in a hysterical laugh and said; "Quite frankly I liked you a lot. In fact I thought I was desperately in love with you."

"Then why did you break off our engagement?"

"I broke it off because you loved someone else. Since you were going to marry me I thought she was unattainable. I thought my love was so strong that I could deal with it. But I was wrong."

"You thought I loved someone else. There was no one else or I wouldn't have asked you to marry me."

"You may not think so but I know so. She's all you ever talked about, even to me. No woman can deal with that."

"Don't tell me, was it Amy?"

She smiled at that and said sadly; "Yes, it was."

He started to apologize but she put up her hand and stopped him before he could utter another word. She handed him the bundle of cloth and told him that it was nice seeing him again. Then she left without saying another word. He went to the cashier, paid for the material, and made his way home. Needless to say the conversations he had had with his former girlfriends occupied his mind. Obviously it had to be true. There is no way that they could have made it up. They lived to far apart and he didn't even know if they knew each other. Did he love Amy as more than just another sister? He started thinking back to how he felt when she disappeared without a word after her graduation. Only a letter thanking his parents for their hospitality and himself for the sacrifice he had made so that she had a place to live until she got her apartment. Then the gnawing loneliness that ate at him ever since she left but he couldn't figure out why. At first he was angry at the way she left, then he was depressed because she was gone, then he buried himself in his work but couldn't get her out of his mind. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. They were right he did love Amy. What's really ironic is that Amy obviously had loved him but he drove her away with his big brother act. She tried to tell him on more than one occasion but he didn't listen. How could he be so blind? He wondered if it was too late.

When Jacob got home he told his mother what he had discovered and asked her if she thought he was too late.

"I figured that's why you had me issue that invitation and I knew the other one worked in the shop that's why I sent you to pick up my material. I decided that it was about time that you woke up. As to whether it is too late or not, that's something you will have to ask Amy."

"How can I when she is so far away? It's not something I would consider discussing over the phone or by letter."

"I can help you there. Your sister is opening her new shop soon and we are going for the grand opening, besides we want to see Ruth and the children. We haven't seen the new twins yet. See if you can get Stephen to milk for you and you can come along with us."

Smiling broadly he said; "I will."

Stephen said that he would be glad to help out. He and Olivia liked Amy and hated to see her hurt. He hoped it wasn't too late.


Author's Note: Is it too late?

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