Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Amy was glad when school started. Even though she loved working with numbers she found her accounting classes a little more difficult than she thought they would be so between classes and homework she didn't have time to think about anything else.

Amy joined a study group that was made up of a few girls from some of her classes who were struggling like she was. Together they helped each other maintain their grades so that they could pass their courses. They set up certain days for studying and stuck to the schedule. They all became very good friends and you never saw one of the girls alone. They did everything together. In fact when the day of the zoo trip arrived they all went along, to Stephen's chagrin.

As the group wandered from exhibit to exhibit Stephen tried to get Amy alone but he could never pry her away from the other girls. Amy had no time for tete-a-tetes and she preferred it that way because she wanted to keep her mind on her studies, besides she wasn't ready for love at that time. She hoped Stephen got the message because she didn't like hurting anyone's feelings.

The day ended with them in the gift shop and looking for a souvenir. After looking at many different things she chose to buy a key chain in the shape of a tiger with the name of the zoo on its side. It was something she could use and have with her all of the time. Stephen tried to buy it for her but she refused. When he realized that she wasn't going to change her mind he gave up. Some of them decided to go for a snack while others decided to go home because it was getting late. Amy and her study group were some of those who decided to go home. After dropping everyone off Amy headed for home.

Jacob was sitting in one of the rocking chairs on the porch when Amy arrived. She was in such a hurry to get into the house to explain why she was late that when she reached the porch she was startled by his voice demanding; "Where have you been? It's late."

Throwing her hand to her chest she exclaimed; "Oh, Jacob you scared me. I didn't see you there. To answer your question DAD, after dropping off all the girls from our day at the zoo I got a flat tire and had to change it all by myself!."

"Well you don't have to be sarcastic about it. I was worried about you."

"I appreciate that but the tone of voice you used made it sound like I was sneaking around or something."

Jacob was prevented from saying anything else by his mother coming out of the house. Amy turned around and started explaining to her why she was later than usual. Without saying another word to either of them Jacob went off mumbling to himself. He decided to go and check her flat tire to see if he could fix it or if she needed to buy a new one altogether because she no longer had a spare and he wouldn't want her stranded on the side of the road if she was to get another flat.

Later that night Amy lay in bed thinking over what had taken place on the porch; she thought to herself; Natalie and Joshua had been very nice about the fact that I was late, nicer than Jacob had been. The whole incident could have been avoided if I had my own place like I had planned. I had wanted some independence while in college. In fact that is why I had chosen a school so far away from home. Yet here I am living with my friend's parents.

She decided right then and there to look for a job so that she could save some money to get a place of her own. She thought that it would be best to wait until she got a place before telling the Worthingtons because she knew that they would object to her leaving. After making that decision she was able to snuggle up with her pillow and fall fast asleep.

After a good night's sleep Amy woke up, had breakfast and went to school. After classes were over she picked up a paper from PJ's Market so that she could start looking for a job. Amy found quite a few prospects advertised in the paper. After calling a few that looked promising she found out that they wouldn't work for her after all because her work hours needed to fluctuate with her classes.

A couple of weeks went by with no success in finding a job. She was very disappointed that she was unable to find one. She really wanted to get started on saving some money. One day after class she stopped by PJ's Market to pick up some personal items, while passing by she happened to look up and see a help wanted sign taped up in the window. After getting everything she was after she asked who she needed to talk to about applying for the job.

Amy was a very happy young woman when she found out that she got the job at PJ's Market. When she had morning classes she would have a couple of hours to study before going into work and then when she had afternoon classes she would work and then have a couple of hours to study before she went to school. On Saturday she would work when he needed her and on Sunday they were closed. The hours were just right.

That evening she broke the news about her new job to the Worthingtons. She explained that she wanted to earn some money in her free time in order to learn how to be self-sufficient.

They felt that it was a step in the right direction. It showed that she was growing up. Jacob was secretly glad but didn't know why.


Authors Note: Jacob wouldn't be so smug if he knew Amy's reason for getting a job. His big brother roll will soon come to a close.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment on your favorite chapters. Happy reading, Tigger

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