Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


There was a community dance being held at the Rescue Squad building and the three ladies were going. They had got through their first year successfully and felt that they deserved and evening out. None of them had dates so they decided to go together. They felt that they wouldn't be so conspicuous that way.

They were wrong. When they entered the building they were surrounded by many of the local men hoping to secure a dance before their cards were filled up. Amy didn't lack partners but she secretly held a spot open for Jacob in case he appeared. Of course Karishma had no problem getting partners either. Her card was filled up before she was there thirty minutes. Even though Olivia was older she still looked almost as young as the other two and had no problem getting partners as well. Soon they were whisked off onto the dance floor and lost sight of each other except as they were danced past one another by their partners.

Half way through the evening Randy came for his dance with Amy. When they were finished it was time to eat. A buffet was set out along one wall and everyone lined up to fill their plates. She saw Karishma a little farther down the line and she was talking to her partner who was behind her just out of Amy's sight. Randy said something to her and as she was turning to answer him Karishma stepped sideways and she saw that it was Jacob. He was here. She wondered if he would ask her to dance. She didn't wonder long though because Randy got her attention asking her what she wanted to eat. After that her mind was on the enormous selection of food. She was ravenous and there was a lot to choose from.

They filled their plates and found a seat at one of the tables at the end of the room. Soon they were joined by Olivia and one of the local men she had danced with before the supper gong went. She sat beside Amy with her man on her other side. Stephen and his partner came and sat across from them and those in her study group and their partners filled up the other seats. She didn't know where Jacob and Karishma were.

They were halfway through their meal when Stephen looked up and across and saw who was sitting there for the first time. He exclaimed; "Olivia, when did you get back in town?"

Olivia blushingly said; "I've been here several months. I'm working at Karishma's Salon."

"Why didn't you get in touch with me?"

"I've been very busy since I moved back. Besides I hadn't heard from you in a long time and I wasn't sure where you were by now."

"Here as always. Well, it's good to see you back. Hey, you wouldn't happen to have an opening on your dance card would you?"

"As a matter of fact I do. It's the next one coming up. My partner had to leave unexpectedly. He had to go deliver a baby."

"Well hand it over girl so I can sign it."

Amy noticed that Olivia couldn't hold back a blush as she handed over her card and that Stephen seemed eager to renew an old acquaintance. She wondered if there was some history there. She didn't wonder long however because soon her attention was drawn back by Randy asking her if he could have another dance. She told him if one came available she would let him know. She was still secretly hoping that Jacob would find her and ask for one. But she didn't have any more time to ponder on it because her next partner had come to claim his dance. She was whisked away to a lively two step.

The evening flew by swiftly as she was passed from one partner to another. Finally night was drawing to a close and Jacob still hadn't approached her to request a dance. She knew he was still there because he had passed her on the dance floor with Karishma in his arms. She saw him with several other partners as well. It was the last dance of the evening, a slow waltz, and she had no partner. Jacob saw her from across the room, sitting all alone, and decided to go and ask if she would stand up with him but stopped in his tracks half way across the floor when he saw Randy approach her. He had apparently asked her to dance because she stood up and he took her in his arms and they disappeared amongst the couples. He retreated back to the corner he had formerly been resting in to see if he could catch a glimpse of them.

If Amy had known that her fondest wish was about to come true she would never have accepted Randy's offer. But she was unaware of Jacob's approach and was relieved to be rescued from her awkward position. She determined to put him out of her mind and gave herself over to the dance and her partner. As the music was coming to an end Randy swung her around and bent her back over his arm leaning over her and as her head went back she caught sight of Jacob standing in the corner watching them with a look she couldn't interpret on his face. After Randy returned her to a standing position she hurriedly thanked him for the dance and was going to go in search of Jacob but when she turned he was gone. She didn't have time to contemplate it because Karishma and Olivia had shown up with her things so that they could go home.

Later that night Amy lay in bed looking out her window at the night sky. It wasn't quite the view that she had back at the Worthington's but it was still beautiful. The only difference was that there were buildings silhouetted against the night sky instead of trees. Hot on the heels of that thought Jacob popped into her head. She almost missed the earlier days when they were young. There were no awkward moments between them then and he was always glad to see her. She wondered what had made him change so. It wasn't that he hated women. He certainly had no problem talking to Karishma and his other partners. Speaking of Karishma, he had danced twice with her. Maybe she was the next one he planned to woe. Sighing she crawled into bed willing herself to sleep.

Jacob was back at home in his tree house looking up at that same night sky. He was remembering the many glimpses he had had of Amy in the arms of other men, especially Randy Spar. The one moment that stuck in his mind the most was when Randy bent her over his arm and leaned over her as if he was going to kiss her, the anticipation of what was about to happen was like a knife twisting in his gut, but at the last moment Amy leaned her head back and caught his eyes. When their eyes locked he saw a deep yearning look in hers and he thought it was for Randy. He couldn't bear to see anymore so looking around he found the closest door, dashed out, headed for his truck, and went home to his own private sanctuary, the tree house. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. He should be glad that a good friend of his was interested in Amy. He's a good man and would provide well for her. Exasperated, he stretched out on the floor boards and fell asleep.


Author's Note: What a conundrum!

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