Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Amy finally got a hold of Natalie and told her that they had finally hired another cashier at PJ's so she had her usual time off. Natalie happily invited her over for supper. Amy grabbed the pie she had made and headed off to the Worthington's.

When she got there supper was already on the table. Natalie opened the door and let her in. The surprised look on Jacob's face told her that he didn't know that she was coming. She was glad that he didn't get up and leave and even managed to act as though nothing had ever happened. When they finished eating Joshua volunteered to help Natalie clean up and suggested that the two of them go for a walk.

Without saying a word, Jacob got up and headed for the door, and stood there holding it open for her to follow. She did, though she was a little nervous after what happened the last time they went for a walk. They walked in silence for a bit each one lost in their own thoughts. Finally Amy broke the silence giving the apology that she had been rehearsing ever since she and Natalie had had their conversation.

Before she could finish Jacob stopped her saying; "No, you don't owe me an apology. I owe you one because what you do is none of my business."

"That's just it, I wasn't doing anything. Stephen's barber was out of town and he was in need of a haircut. Olivia said that she would do it. At first he refused because he didn't want to be caught dead in a beauty salon. But his hair was getting so long that he finally gave in and came but he demanded that all the curtains be pulled so no one would see him in there. All three of us were there to make sure the proprieties were met. He was so sure no one was watching. As it turns out some one was."


"Yep, and the rest is history."

"Mom and dad said there would be a reasonable explanation for what happened. I need to trust your good upbringing and quit jumping to conclusions."

"Thank you Jacob, I was hoping you would accept my apology and we could be friends again. I don't like quarreling with any one especially with you."

With the air cleared between them they returned to their old familiar pattern. They talked about what was going on in their lives. He found out about all the hours she had been putting in at work until they finally got a replacement for the other girl. That explained why she wasn't home in the beginning when he had tried to contact her but couldn't. He finally gave up thinking she was out having a good time. Then she talked about her classes and how much harder they were than her last courses. He told her what he had been doing on the farm and before they knew it they were back at the house. He found out everything that was going on except what was upper most in his mind. He wanted to ask her about Stephen but couldn't bring himself to do it. They went in and found his parents sitting on the sofa together with pie and coffee waiting for them on the coffee table. Natalie, seeing the comfortable way they were behaving toward one another was encouraged so she sat forward and urged them to sit down and join them for desert.

The rest of the evening passed with Amy telling them the latest news from her family and they did likewise. The Worthington's hadn't heard that Caleb and Jasmine were doing so well that they were going to be able to build a house and move out of the apartment. They had bought a parcel of land just outside of town to build on. The biggest surprise was that Adam and Ruth were expecting again and of course they were going to have twins. Amy was surprised because her mother hadn't said anything about it. Natalie suggested that they must not have told her parents yet. They just found out themselves because Ruth had called that morning. Amy told them that she was glad for them but that it was probably going to hurt Benjamin and Delilah. They had been trying to have a baby for quite some time but it just wasn't happening for them and suggested that that might be why Adam and Ruth hadn't said anything yet. Natalie agreed and assured her that if she were to talk to any of them she would be sure not to mention it until Adam informed them of it and she urged Jacob to do the same.

Jacob walked Amy to her car and helped her get in. After making sure that she had her seat belt on, he shut the door and waived as she disappeared down the driveway. He was in such deep thought that he barely spoke to his parents in response to their goodnights as he made his way to his room.

"Well Nat, it looks like the kids are on the way to working things out."

"I'm not so sure. They're getting along but that is all. Jacob was in deep thought when he went by. I wonder what's on his mind."

"We've done all we can, it's up to them from here on out."

"Yes, I guess you're right. I'm ready for bed."

Jacob was having a hard time going to sleep. He knew that he shouldn't but he envied Ruth and Jasmine's happiness. They were both happily married and secure in the love of their husbands. He wondered what it was about himself that made him unlovable. There were several young ladies that he had been interested in and a couple that he had actually got engaged to but they backed out. Why? That was the million dollar question with no answer. Frustrated he turned over, punched his pillow and lay back down willing sleep to come.

Amy pulled into her parking space and leaving the car in first gear set the emergency brake. One of these days she would get a car with an automatic transmission. It was a goal. When she let herself in all the lights were out except a little night light they left on if they went to bed before one or the other got home. She quietly locked up, tuned out the light and tip toed to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, washed up and went to bed.

Over all she was pleased with the evening, but there was something lacking. Jacob seemed to be back to normal but there was still something not quite right. Oh well, if she and Jacob could only be friends she would have to be satisfied with that. If she had to remain single she would and she would learn to be happy.


Author's Note: Don't forget to vote and comment on your favorite chapters. Happy Reading, Tigger

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