Chapter forty five.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Once I’m in the shower I hear the door opening.

‘’Harry?’’ I call out loudly over the running water.


‘’What are you doing?’’

‘’I needed a piss’’

‘’Eww please get out, I’m trying to shower’’

‘’I’m done now baby’’

‘’Go then’’ I laugh a little.

‘’No I’m staying, let’s talk’’

‘’Do you have to’’ I sigh.

‘’Yes you’re my girlfriend you have to talk to me’’

‘’I seem to remember you saying something similar on the plane a while back’’ I smile remember how different it all was back then, how glad I am things have changed.

‘’Yeah but I called you my wife and I was teasing you’’

‘’What did you want to talk about then?’’ I say giving up on telling him to leave, I know he won’t. Harry always makes his own mind up and no one can seem to change it.

‘’Why do you make me tell you I love you so much?’’ Harry asks causally.

‘’Make? That sounds like you don’t mean it’’ I huff.

‘’No of course I do, I mean like why did I have to say it a million times just then’’ Harry hurriedly explains.

‘’Oh. Because I don’t believe it sometimes, that someone could love me. That you love me. Plus hearing you say it is the most perfect sound ever’’

Right then I hear the shower curtain open.

‘’Harry’’ I gasp quickly trying to cover myself up.

‘’I’ve seen it all before baby. Many times actually’’ Harry chuckles stepping into the shower.

I look down to see he’s already naked, I bet he planned this.

‘’Listen to me, I love you. Not just anyone can love you, just me’’ Harry whispers his voice sending chills down my spine despite the fact boiling hot water is running over my body right now.

‘’is that meant to be a compliment?’’

‘’Yeah, they don’t get to love you, I won’t let them’’ His lips are now trailing over my neck slowly working their way down, sucking, kissing and licking my skin as he goes.

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ