"Uh-huh," said Charlie without even hearing his joke. She continued to scope out the lunchroom.

"I do not think she is paying attention," frowned Max.

"Hmm," Rib narrowed his eyes. "Hey, Charlie! Are you in love with Pace?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," Charlie replied yet again.

"Okay, she's definitely not listening," decided Rib. "Charlie! Earth to Charlie!" he waved a hand in front of her face.

"Huh?!" Charlie snapped back to her present company.

"Who are you looking for?" questioned Rib, now glancing around the cafeteria too.

"Oh, nobody..." said Charlie quickly, turning to her lunch tray.

However, she still could not help but wonder... where was Printz?


When the last bell rang, Charlie met up with Max outside of the Home Economics room.

"Today's menu- Charlie Chip Cookies!" said Rib as he passed by. "It was nice knowin' ya!"

"He is only kidding," promised Max. "Come on."

The Home Ec room was very large and lined with ovens.

"You can share my counter," Max smiled, showing her to a marble-topped work space near a slightly open window.

Charlie followed him to the table as the rest of the club members continued to file in.

"Okay, everyone!" a lanky boy wearing a chef hat stepped to the front of the room. "Who's ready to do some baking?" he asked, tossing a mixing spoon into the air and spinning around before catching it.

The members cheered and instantly began grabbing aprons, but Charlie stood still, staring at the tall boy and feeling a little lost. He was now writing a recipe for snickerdoodles on the board.

"That is Seneca," explained Max. "He is the club leader. If you need any help, just ask one of us."

Charlie nodded. Reading over the list of ingredients, she tied on an apron and got to work herself.

Soon, Charlie was placing her dough onto a tray and popping it into one of the ovens.

"Hey, I'm not bad at this!" she smiled to herself, feeling mighty pleased.

Charlie glanced at Seneca's recipe once more.

"Bake for 10 minutes," she read. "Well, the hard part's over! Now just to wait!"

The time seemed to pass slowly as Charlie sat, impatiently watching the oven. Eyes boredly wandering to the window next to the oven, she saw a soccer ball roll across the field in the distance.

"They're having practice today!" she thought excitedly, jumping up for a better look. "Let's see..." she peered through the windowpane. "There's that short, spiky-haired kid from Sparta..." Charlie leaned closer. "And there's his friend..." she pressed her nose almost against the glass. "And there's- AGHHH!"

Someone in a hockey mask had jumped up on the other side of the window and began furiously beating the glass. Charlie leaped back in fright, knocking over her stool, but the rest of the room seemed unsurprised.

"RIB! GET OUT OF HERE AND GO BACK TO PRACTICE!" Seneca shouted angrily.

"Huh? Rib???" Charlie looked back out the window to see Rib pull off his mask with a guiltless chuckle.

"Hey, Charlie," he grinned.

"What are you doing?!" Charlie tried to catch her breath.

"Just thought I'd take a break from practice and come say hi," said Rib. "Looks like they haven't cooked you yet!" he added with a laugh.

"Practice?" repeated Charlie.

"Yeah, for soccer. I'm the goalie," Rib boasted, pulling his mask back on and running across the field.

"But isn't that a hockey mask?" Charlie frowned.

Seneca shrugged and returned to his own work station.

"I didn't know Rib was on the soccer team," thought Charlie, continuing to gaze out the window as Rib dove aggressively towards a ball heading for the net.

Charlie gazed blankly over the lawn as another ball flew towards the goal, but when she saw who had kicked it, she perked up immediately. There was Printz- decked out in his soccer uniform and looking extremely handsome. She had not gotten the chance to watch him practice the previous day because Pace had shown up and been given mascot duty- but there was no way she was going to miss it now!

"I bet he's a great captain," Charlie bit her lip. "He seems so strong and smart and-"

"Hey! Something's burning!" a voice suddenly shouted and Charlie realized that she was now standing in a cloud of smoke.



Extra update this week since Chapter 2-5 was so short xD

I have been sick with the flu, but still doing my best to work diligently to bring new updates :3

xox Ray

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