"The child didn't die." I said, recalling my visions about Serafina.

"Well then if that's true that should be a little reassuring. But, it still doesn't have anything to do with the complication of having twins." The doctor said.

My tears sped up. How would you feel if you were going to be a mother, and realize that one of your precious children were going to die? Heartbroken. Am I right?

Well, heartbroken was the least I could use to describe my feelings at the moment.

I was angry at the fact that royals can't have twins. Who made it possible to restrict royals from having twins in the first place? Why did one of them have to die?

I was frustrated because I didn't know what to do.

But, somewhere inside I was also hopeful. I wasn't going to let the doctor's concerns about my pregnancy take me down. I was hopeful that I would find a way around it, and get to see both of the smiling faces of my babies.

Most of all, I was scared. I know I shouldn't let fear dominante me, but I can't help it. I'm scared that once I give birth to my two babies, one of them will die in my own hands, while I'm able to do nothing to protect it.

The doctor bid us farewell, and left us in the silence of the cold, white room to discuss the information that just came out.

"My baby is going to die." I choked out.

Gabriel was still there, frozen in shock. I stared at him, blankly aslo growing frustrated with his unresponsive state.

"No." His deep voice echoed through the small hospital room.

"I made you a promise that I will make sure nothing happens to you or the babies and I very well intend to keep that promise. I'm not letting any of our children die."

He finally moved from the spot he had been glued to since the doctor told us the news. He frustratedly ran his hand through his silky, brown hair. He turned to me with a determined look in his eyes.

He grabbed me by the shoulders, "Look at me."

I diverted my attention to his ocean, blue eyes.

"Don't worry about our children. They will survive, I promise. Trust me, okay?" Gabriel said confidently.

There was not even one hint of his voice faltering during that sentence, and it helped me come to the conclusion that I will trust him. Of course, I can't 'not worry,' but I knew that Gabriel would keep his promise.

So, giving my full trust to him, I said, "Okay."

He pulled me into a tight embrace, his big, bulky arms, caging me into his chest, making me feel safe. The heat radiating of his body comforted me, washing away most of the worries. My arms traveled up his back, as I wrapped my arms aroung him as well in a passionate, sorrow-filled hug.

We were going to find a way out of this.
Gabriel's POV

I glanced out the doors and onto the balcony where Adeline sat cuddled up in a soft blanket, deep in thought. She's been sitting in that same spot ever since she found out about the twins. It's been months. I sighed, running a hand through my hair frustrated. I've tried, and I couldn't do anything to help her. I felt pathetic. Tossing the towel in my hand on the bed, I left the room.

Making my way to the library, I pushed open the large, oak doors. Vern was sitting there, with glasses perched on her nose, reading through books.

"Did you find anything?" I asked her, resting my hands on one of the chairs in the library.

It was an empty question. Both of us knew the answer even if we weren't willing to admit the truth.


I expected that answer anyways. We have stumbled among many leads, but they all proved to be hopeless.

Losing my control, I threw the chair in my hands across the room, groaning in frustration.

"You know that's not going to help, right?" Vern raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I know." I gritted my teeth.

The chair knocked over a stack of books. I moved to pick the books up and put the chair back. I picked up a worn out black book, and waved it in the air.

"These are the ones you already read?" I asked her.

"Yeah-" Vern studied the book for a moment before turning to me with wide eyes, "Where did you find this?"

I handed it to her, "It was in the stack of books you've already read."

Vern gently grazed her fingers over the cover, "It wasn't in the stack. I would know. No one has seen this book for over a thousand years. People have even forgotten about it. There were five original witches: Dea, Amara, Circe, Thyra, and Medea. Each one wrote their own spell book, but one witch was different from others, Medea. She practiced magic with negative energy. Although her intentions were good, she ended up creating a powerful form of magic that had the capability to destroy. The last book, written by Medea, doesn't contain the same type of magic as the first four books. It has a different essence to it; it can be dangerous. There's a reason it's been hidden. Instead of seeing the good in her magic, people found themselves fascinated with the power of the magic. Medea put the book away with magic, promising that it will never be found unless the time is right. then, she burned herself to keep people from getting her to reveal the book's whereabouts. The thing is, she hid the book as magic. That's why it appeared in the stack. I guess it's time for the book to return."

Vern smiled, opening the book, beginning to read through the spells.

• This chapter is actually a little longer than my usual ones. Sorry I haven't been updating fast enough recently. I had people over for the past week, and I was occupied with them, and I really wasn't able to devote time to writing. The school year is ending anyways, so don't expect to see me on finals week. Ha ha... I'm definitely going to be real nice and get  one update for you before then, and maybe I'll be able to squeeze in two! YAY!

You know what sucks? All of my tv shows are off season right now. It really sucks. Do any of you watch Jane the Virgin because that's my favorite show. I hate Michael. I hope he died at the end of that finale.

Well anyways, I watch Reign, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries, Arrow, Pretty Little Liars (i got bored of this show tbh), and Shadowhunters (its a bit cheesy tbh...but cute). So please feel free to talk about these shows with me. Wow how did this convo get all the way to TV.

Anyways! Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! You have no clue how much just one vote can help a reader in so many ways! So please vote and comment! Not just on my story, but everyone's!

Guys I still accept covers! Make them then private message me for my email.

What news does the guard have?

Was this chapter a bit sappy?•

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