chapter 11

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Chapter 11 :

After class got over i marched towards the door but was stopped with a voice  

"Happy birthday shanny " 

I turned to face a smiling Dev .Why he had to have the most charming smile.I cant ignore that smile so i replied shyly "thanks" . 

"oh my gosh sorry shanaya i forgot.Happy birthday to you " manpreet came and said. 

I smiled and we moved towards washroom .we just entered and manpreet started asking questions.. 

"Where were you and how did you entered class with dev ? is something i dont know about ?? Girl tell me everything , dont dare to hide anything from me.." 

I started telling her everything about how i bumped into dev and we entered the class together like old times.when i told her that he smiled at me she started teasing me saying he still loves me and i should tell him that i love him too. 

"Are you out of your mind ? i cant tell him.He dont love me and the infatuation he had for me is over .He is smiling at me like a friend only.Remember we were best friends in the past .Maybe he only wants friendship from me ". 

Bell rang and we went to class.when i sat in my bench i noticed a pack of chocolates laying there ,there were all my favourites .I knew from whom it was ,i tried to ignore it.i was still not ready to come out of the walls i built around me.I dont want to waste chocolates so i kept it in my bag but its only because i love chocolates .
yeah whatever makes you sleep at night.
a voice in my head said.I really need to stop talking to myself.

In lunch break , i am sitting with my group swati ,manpreet ,jeet,rohan ,aditya, nikki and me.Dev came and said "Hey guys.. hws u all ? anyone missed me " 

He said last part looking directly at me.I blushed hearing him . Swati said "Yes mr.perfect we ALL missed you " she stressed in the word "all" winking at me.I gave her a look saying i m going to kill her.

After lunch we all moved towards our classroom.We all are in same section so we have same classroom.I went to last bench as i am very bored and dont want to stare at teachers face.I mean what these teachers think ,if a student is looking towards them then they are studying ,if they think this they are very wrong. 

I felt someone sitting beside me.Our legs touching and tingles spread all over my body. "hey " Dev said.Now why the hell is he acting like everythings normal when he only left the school ,leaving me behind. Does he think giving me some chocolates will solve everything.

"hello " i said with a fake smile.He knew me very well.He realised that i am angry so when teacher started teaching , he passed me a note.It read  

"I am sorry i did some stupid things in past but please forgive me and be friends ?  :) " 

So he regret kissing me and loving me.Fine i am never gonna bring that topic .He want to remain friends i will be his friend.I quickly wrote  

"Okay we can be friends again." 

I chatted with him while teacher was teaching .I tried to be friends and ignored the ache i felt when i came to know he regretted it.What was i thinking while kissing him ,he is a player .He didnt came back in town for me he has more important things in his life. After school got over everybody moved out of the classroom but i remembered that i left my maths notebook in my desk. i went to get it.When i was walking towards exit rishab came infront of me and started saying "i like you , you are really very beautiful,smart and intelligent.I really like you a lot .Please be my girlfriend ?" 

I stared at him.I fumed with anger how could these boys ask any girl who they dont even know properly to be their girlfriend. I said "I dont believe in teenage attraction or these realtions .Just get out from my way " .I tried pushing him aside to move out of corridor but he is too strong for me.i tried to walk away when he grabs my wrist  

"Give me a chance to show you a good time babe.. " 

"Just leave my hand and let me go otherwise it will not be good for you." I said with anger in my eyes. he licked his lips and said "you are so sexy when you are angry.." That was end of my patience .I slapped him in the cheek and kicked him where it hurts the most.He fell to the ground and cupped the area with his hands .When i got out and sat in the school bus manpreet asked where was i but i just shrugged it off.

Today our group has planned to bunk tution classes and watch a movie.So manu (aka manpreet) is picking me up. I was deciding what to wear when manu called 

"yeah say " i said. 

"i am going with jeet on date so i will not be able to pick you up for the movie.I am really sorry i didnt knew about his planning.he just surprised me with this date."

i said her that its okay with me and tell me all the details tommorow.She promised and went to get dressed.I texted swati that manu is not coming so i dont have a ride.she called me  

"Hey you have to come.We didnt had a get together in a while .I really miss hanging out with you.Dont ditch us please na .." 

"i also want to come but i dont have a ride " i said .I really wanted to watch this movie .Salman khan is in this movie ,i really like him.I never missed any of his movie. 

" Okay wait let me see if anyone can pick you up " she said and hang up. 

After few minutes my phone started blaring naked by enrique iglesias.Its dev,why is he calling me now.What he wanted now. 


"Hey shanny, i am coming to pick you up in a few minutes so start getting ready " he said. 

"I cant Dev.You know my dad is very protective of me--.." 

He interrupted me  

"I know about your dad thats why i am coming in a car to pick you up.I also understand that if anyone sees you in a bike with a boy you will be in trouble.Now stop arguing and move your ass.Dont worry ,i m here to face any trouble with you ." Wow he is driving a car just because i cant ride a bike with him.He loves his bike and he just ditched his bike for me.I am flattered. Maybe he really likes me ..What he said at last was very sweet but in a friendly way.. 

No he cant and even if he likes me i dont want anything to do with him.I am really doing a great job in ignoring him .Note the sarcasm.. how will i ignore him when he will be so nice and caring towards me.. 

I really need to get a grip on .. He is caring for me because we are friends and nothing else.

 keep saying this,your heart knows the truth.


Sorry guys for the wait.Finally i uploaded .So what you guys think about the story.If you have any suggestions for further chapters about what you all want to happen then comment.And thank you guys fir your suggestions it is welcomed.

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