chapter 9

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Chapter 9 :

After 2 years..

Shanaya's POV

Again a new session started.I hate mondays getting up early to go to school.I called manpreet " Hey i am not coming school today.I am feeling very sleepy" 

i was very lazy and yesterday i was awake till late night studying so i was very sleepy. 

"Ok dear.Even i was thinking the same.I was about to call you when i got a call from you." manpreet said in a sleepy voice.This is why we are best friends .We are lazy and thinks the same.I dont have to tell her anything she understands me well.I heard a knock at my door.. 

"Shanaya are you going to school today ?" 

"No dad , i studied till late night so i am not going." 

with that my dad left.I love my dad , he know i will get good grades even if i missed school.Whatever i skip in school completes it in tutions.He is very open minded , he never interferes in my school life .I went to sleep .

I wake up at 11:15 got showered then went to kitchen to have breakfast.I took out a box of chocos mixed with milk and finished it in 5 minutes.I was hungry so i finished it quick.

It was afternoon .I was getting bored so logged in my facebook account , and saw a post in my school' s confession page had 45 comments .I opened it and was frozen to the spot. 

"Dev singh is coming back in town girls..;)"

He is coming back in town , he will be joining our school.Oh no.. why after 2 years he is coming back.How will i face him.

i am not able to breath.. okay.. breathe in breath out breathe in breathe out.I can do it .Its just a boy. 

A small voice in the back of my head said He is not any boy ,he was my best friend .Dev singh with cute dimples and black hairs and handsom face.With a body of a model.His lickable abs ans those full lips ...

Oh gosh.. i have to stop..In these past two years there hadn't been a day i had not thought about him.The what ifs had been killing me.. 

what if i had said yes ..? blah blah blah. The whats ifs had not ended..


I had been crying when swati found me .She told the teacher i am sick and we went to the hotel.She didn't asked anything but i know at a point of time i will have to answer her.The whole night i cried and she held me while i was being a cry baby.When i woke up next day we had to leave for dhanbad .So she packed my stuff i took shower then we went in the bus.She sat next to me and was texting rohan .I felt that i was keeping her away from her boyfriend so i told her she can sit with him i am okay but she told that she dont want to leave me .The whole time i had not seen Dev. 

Next weeks we had holidays so i dont have to face him .In school many times i had caught him staring at me but i ignored him.Swati was always with rohan so i started hanging out with manpreet more.She was very nice and had a tough attitude.When she heard about my and Dev's predicament she was very supportive towards me.She said that if he loved me truly one way or other he will win my heart one day.I told her about my dad that how he is strict and never allow a boyfriend.She never judged me. 

Then we had final exams and i engaged myself in studies.Whenever i saw him in corridors i ignored him .Only swati and manpreet knew what actually happened except me and dev.But almost whole school knew that Dev has some feelings for me and i am ignoring him .Why that stupid boy had to look at me like that infront of everyone. 

Then exams got over and we were having holidays.i spent my holidays sulking over him.Dad said we are going on holidays to agra but we did'nt got a ticket .So plan was cancelled.I was more than depressed so i spent my holidays reading novels and watching tv.

When a new year started i was prepared for my torture to tolerate Dev's eyes on me whole day.But when i reached school i heards many girls gossiping and crying.Drama queens..  

Manpreet came "Hi." 

"hello " i said and watched her .She looked deep in her thoughts. 

" you okay ? if u want to tell something then i am here ." i said to her.It seems like she want to say something but hesitating. 

"Actually i have a news for you... " 

she trailed off like she was checking my mood.I nodded at her to continue. 

"Dev left the school, he moved in to other state." 

I know i should have been happy about it but deep in my heart i feel a small ache.Its like a part of my heart has been taken out and trashed.The thought of never seeing him is very painful.

I ran away because i can feel tears pricking in my eyes .So i ran towards girls washroom.I can hear manpreet calling me but i cant stop.I entered and started crying standing infront of mirror.Why am i crying.. i only rejected him broke my friendship and ignored him.He has every right to leave me. 

Then why are you crying ?

a voice in my head said.


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