chapter 8

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Chapter 8 :

"hey" dev whispered in my ear.. 

i decided to avoid him.So i just staterd walking fast but just my luck he was faster than me .He pulled me with him against a tree and stood infront of me. 

"why are you avoiding me shanny ?" i could see hurt in his eyes.I just wanted to hug him and say i can never do this to you .But i have to be strong so i said " i am not avoiding you." 

"ok whatever you say.." he said .He was looking very serious ,long gone was the boy who is always happy. 

"i have something to ask you "  

Then he take out a red rose from his jacket's pocket.He bends on one knee and looking at this my heartbeat fastens.I can feel butterflies in my stomach. 

"we are best friends from a long time.But i still remember the first day you entered in school campus , you were in uniform white shirt and grey skirt .Your hair was in a ponytail ,your bangs were irritating you .You look very cute when you are irritated.Infact you are the most beautiful girl in the whole school.I am in love with you the first day i saw you but as i get to know you from inside ,what a beautiful heart you have my love for you grew more and more .Now i cant control my feelings for you.I love you and i want you to be my girlfriend ,make me the luckiest guy in the whole world.Will you ? I want an answer .Please dont leave me hanging because i am dying for your answer.. Please shanaya.. I cant live without you.."

I was shocked listening to this.Dev wanted me Shanaya malhotra to be his girlfriend instead of all the girls out there who are more beautiful than me .Oh no... i cant be in a relation. I cant be with him.He desrves better than me .Moreover i cant betray my family.If my dad came to know about this he will kill me as well as dev.He sent me school to study and achieve something in life and here i am thinking of a boy.. 

He is earning money so his little daughter can study in best school in the town and get addmission in a good college.He expects me to do that .He trusts me that i am studying in school and here i am with a boy who is confessing his feelings for me.I cant break my fathers trust for a boy even if that boy is my best friend.He will understand that.I mean he has to , he is my best friend and he knows how my dad is.But i cant break his heart.He is so sweet and caring.He makes me feel alive.But i had to do this.. I am breaking my own heart as well as his but i know its the best for both of us.We cannot have a future together.So why to start something which will not end well.Love is nothing but crap.It makes things complicated .I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.. I can feel the bile in my throat, tears are welling up in my eyes .I have to get away from him.I cant have a breakdown infront of him.

"No i cant.. i thought of you just as a best friend.I dont have any feelings for you."

with that tears ran down my cheeks and i ran from him.It seems like i am leaving a part of me behind.I had lost my best friend .Why he had to say and destroy our friendship.He doesnt love me its an infatuation , he will understand it and will be back as new.yup its right... but then why My chest is paining and i am crying.. i dont know.My breathing comes in pants.. i fall to my knees and cry my eyes out.. 

for my best friend..
a charming handsom one.


Awww.. She broke his heart.. so what do you guys thinking.. please comment.. i dont know if any of you are reading .. so if i get some comments then only i m continuing this book..

love or destiny ?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora