Chapter 14

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I know guys i am not a very good writer but let me tell you that the story i am writing is inspired by my friend's lives.I had never been in love or kissed anyone yet .I am  very inexperienced in feelings department. So i am not that good at explanations.If you like what i write then read or you are free to stop reading it.Since i started this book so no matter what comments i get i will complete this book.

Chapter 14 :

I came from school ,the house was empty except meera.Meera was our maid she did all the household chores.After the death of my mom i am always alone at the house with meera .
I had my lunch and am sitting in my room doing some homework when i got a text in my phone.I saw that it was from Dev.
"hiii shanny"
i completed my homework in 15 minutes as fast as i can then replied.
From a few days Dev is being very sweet and gentle with me.Its like he knows what i think ,when i need him .He opens door for me like a true gentlemen.He cares for me.We talk at night in call and text each other the whole day .

I heard our front door opening so went to see dad.After he is freshen up and ready we sat on the table and dad took a seat opposite to mine.Since dad spoke very less i started telling him about my day in school and what manu has suggested.
"I have to go delhi after two days and since i cant let you miss your school so you can stay at manpreet's house ..."
I was so happy.I will live with manu for a week.It will be very much fun.
"But tommorow i will go with you ,have a talk with manpreet's parents then i can leave happily knowing you are safe.."
I hugged my dad and thanked him .He said tommorow he will drop me in evening at manpreet's house talk with her parents then from there he will go to the airport.I didnt have any problem with that.
I texted to Dev saying dad allowed me to stay at manpreet's house.He was very happy about that , i dont know why but i felt he is happy for more than what i said.
Next morning at school i was walking towards my class  .I was late so corridors were empty.I bumped into someone and i started falling but when i was about to touch the floor a hand came around my waist to steady me.
I didnt realised i had closed my eyes.So i opened my eyes to see his beautiful ones.Dev was looking at me like i am the most beautiful thing in the world.I felt really very special and beautiful.His lips parted and i started moving closer .He leant his head ,our lips touched and the fireworks started.
After that kiss i was blown out at what had i done .It felt right when i kiss him.But i had to ignore these.
"Umm.. sorry .. no i mean... its just... Lets go to class we are late " he said blushing furiously ,he looked so adorable .I wanted to pinch his cheeks but stopped myself.
I just nodded and went to attend the class.
In class i was staring at Dev the whole time,appreciating his looks... It seems like i cant remove my eyes from him.When he turned towards me i started writing.This boy is making me crazy..I was just another person today.I am dreaming dirty deeds for a boy ,kissing him and staring at him.Oh boy.. so much for ignoring my feelings.Its ten times worse now..I had to put myself together and behave like a normal friend should.

After class i and manu went to washroom.She went inside and i was standing infront of mirror looking at my reflection.Then i saw Dev came inside girls washroom with a smile on his face.He moved towards me ,his hands on my waist pulling me towards him .I was lost in his eyes then reality hit me hard.. i cant do this.. i started saying "What are you doing here.."
Then manu came out
"With whom are you talking ?"
i looked towards dev but no one was there.
Am i imagining him ? He was there a few minutes ago but now theres no one.. i m going mad .
This had to stop..

I am imagining it.How can he come inside girls washroom.
"No one,lets just go to class."

It was lunch .I was going out towards cafeteria when i remembered that i left my wallet in class.I told manu to go i am joining them in a few.I walked towards my bench took my wallet.But when i was going out i saw Dev coming towards me
"Where were you ? i was waiting for you "
His leg got in a bench and he fell towards me.We both fell on the floor but somehow during our fall dev turned us so that dev was on the floor beneath me.Our lips brushed against each other accidently.I looked towards him .His face was void of expressions .I just blushed thinking all the dirty things i wanna do and everything i had been dreaming about him.He helped me to stand up and started appologising about that kiss.I was not in a right state of mind so i left the class without any answer.I ran away from him.

Its evening and i was sitting and chatting with manu's mom.She is a very nice women.She is very caring and seeing her loving manu and me i got emotional.
Sonetimes i really miss my mom.After she was gone i and dad never went out for family vaccation or any outings.

we had dinner and now sitting in manu's bedroom talking.She was saying something i could'nt concentrate on.I saw dev entering her bedroom ,i was shocked then he came closer and pecked on my cheek.He was leaving so i tried to hold his hand .
I fell from the bed and damn it freaking hurt so much...
"Are you okay "
Manu asked after finishing her laughing fit.
"Yeah .. i was just seeing.. no .. i ..uh.. i dont know.."
I dont know what to say she just saw me falling from her bed and by the look of her face she knew something's up.
"whats the matter ? you are not yourself today.You are talking to yourself ,leaving things ,Falling from bed ,dozing off.. Its so not like you .."
I knew she would find out that something's up.But now i had to tell her that i am dreaming about my best friend and even kissed him in a class.
I think someone's up there who is surely not happy with me..


yipee i uploaded.. yeah so i am trying to write and is surely gonna complete this book.If you guys had some ideas for this book then you can just message me.It will be very helpful.

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