chapter 13

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Hey guys.. i know i made you guys wait a lot but believe me i am trying to improve my writing skills hope you all will like them...:)

Shanaya's Pov :

After that question i knew i had hit a wrong point so i sat in silence.Movie was very boring .

"Hey shanny ,get up movie is almost over."

i heard faint sound of Dev waking me up but i know its just a dream.How can dev be the one waking me ,he cant be in my room.I snuggled more in my warm comfy bed.It is a bit hard but at the same time comfortable.Wait.My bed is very soft ,its not hard.

I heard a chuckle from above my head .I pried my eyes open and saw Dev's amusing face.Then i suddenly got fully awake and tried to move away from him but his arm restricted me .

"Umm Dev,you can let go i am awake now."

He smirked "I will never let you go "

I was contemplating what he said when lights came and everybody started moving towards exit.He was joking right ? He does'nt mean that in a romantic way .

On our way home , Dev was teasing me the whole time.

"Movie was very boring , its not my fault that ."

He stop the car infront of my street and leant towards me.

"Oh yeah .You look really cute while sleeping "

I blushed at his words.

"Thanks "

His lips were almost touching ,i can smell his masculine cologne .I want nothing more than just to kiss him .

Oh no what am i thinking.I have to stop my perverted thoughts.He kissed my cheek so tenderly that i felt my cheeks heat up.My body temperature was increasing .

"Bye "

I just smile and waved him.I was smiling like a stupid love struck puppy .I turned around to have a last look of him and saw him smiling at me ,then he drove off.

It was 8'o clock , Dad had to work overtime so i was alone .Meera has made the dinner so i have got nothing to do.I took my phone out and thought of texting Dev.Its not even half hour ago i was with him and i am missing him.My phone flashed and it was a text from Dev.

I smiled at the timing.

Dev : hey , i reached home.
Me : Good .

i did'nt want him to know that i was just thinking about him.
Dev : So what are you doing ?

Missing you, i thought .But i got a plan.
Me : Missing someone.
Dev : who ?
Me : just a friend.
Dev : which friend ?

Me : someone's very curious ;)
Dev : No ,i am not curiois .I was just asking.

"Shanaya , can you please come down i had some things to discuss " My dad is home.

"Yeah coming dad "

Me : i got to go talk to you later.

i was walked downstairs and saw my dad sitting on chair so i walked towards him.

"Have a seat."   i sat beside him.

"Today at work my boss assigned a project , if i got this done i will get a promotion.This project is very important for me but i have to travel to delhi due to this project."

he stopped letting me think about what he said.Last time he flied to delhi i and mom stayed at home but now since my mom is not here i have to stay alone in the house if he went delhi.I never had stayed alone in the whole house for a day.

"I cant leave you alone in the house .Its not safe."

"Then what are we going to do ? "

"You have to come with me to delhi .You can stay in hotel while i work."

I am having a test series this week and its very important .If i missed it ,i will not be allowed to appear for final exam.

"But dad i cant come with you .I am having a test series this week "

"I cant leave you alone .. "

"Okay we will discuss this later .You must be hungry , lets have dinner "

Next day i went to school.It is english period and teacher gave us an essay .I and manpreet were talking about what dad said last night.

"I have an idea .You can come and live in my house for a week.My brother is in America for his college so its just me ,mom and dad in the house .It will be so exciting."

"I will talk to dad about this but i dont think he will agree."

But she was in her own world planning what we will do the whole week.


please comment guys.I really am thinking about deleting this book.Its very crappy.If u all want then comment if get atleast 100 comments then i m wtiting otherwise i dont think i will proceed with it.

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