chapter 10

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Chapter 10

After Dev left i was like a zombie.I will physically attend classes but my mind and heart felt somewher else if u know what i mean .Even after 2 years i am not fully recovered .I broke his heart as well as myself, and now i know what its like when you are left heartbroken. 

Manpreet was always with me helping me to overcome the pain.Yesterday i skipped school so today i have to go so i am getting ready.Today is my 16 th birthday and guess what he is coming back in town , in same school as well.when i went for breakfast Dad gifted me a brand new phone , the one i had eyes for a long time .I was happy but i was also nervous to see him.I mean i had not seen or talked to him for 2 years and what if he has changed or have a girlfriend.He must have , he is too handsom to not have a girlfriend.Dad dropped me at school,i was walking towards my class .The corridors were empty as class has started and i am late as always.I was running towards my class when suddenly i bumped into a wall.Wait there's no wall in the middle of a corridor .I didn't got enough time to think about that because i started falling face first.I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but Just as my body was about to contact with the floor strong hands wraped around my waist and steadied me. 

when i opened my eyes i was in awe of the beauty infront me.He has grown a lot.By seeing those beautiful eyes that anyone can get lost in it i got chills up my spine.The place where his hands were wraped around my waist was tingling .My heart started beating faster .My mind was screaming to stop drooling over him and stay away from him but my heart was enjoying the closeness and the smell surrounding me.His smell hasn't changed.Its same masculine smell with a strong aura of power and attitude. 

"We are late for class, i think we should hurry up.." He said in a husky voice .. 

I stood up and tried to say something but my voice had vanished.I was unable to find my voice under his intense gaze so i just nodded . 

we entered the class together ,every head in the room turned towards us .Watching us like predator's watch his prey.Girls were glaring at me and boys were just jealous of Dev. 

Teacher nodded for us to take our seats as i was teachers favourite student.He introduced dev to the class .when I took my seat i glanced towards Dev and he smiled at me.I averted my gaze towards teacher.Everybody's puzzled as to what happened.. 

And i was just shocked.. Did i just entered with DEV SINGH.. And HE really smiled at me.. 

oh my god..  

Dev you are gonna be the end of me..


sorry guys.. i know its not much and its unedited.But i wanted to upload it today so i tried my best.. 

I am really very tired its 2:50a.m  

So i am going to sleep hope u guys like this.. love u all :*

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