Chapter 20

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Hey guys .. i am late , i know but i am here with a  very romantic chapter for you guys. I really enjoyed writing this chapter so i hope you all enjoy reading it :)

Chapter 20

Dev drive us 30 minutes from the main city to a secluded place .It was a vacant road and no other car can be seen within a 100 mile radius but I trust him so I did’nt question him. He stopped the car and I turned to look in our surrounding .Where we stopped nothing was there ,Only trees on road side .

“Where are we ?” I asked 

“From here we will have to walk a few minutes .”

He took my hands in his and started walking towards the trees on the side . I held his hands tightly .I am scared of dark places ,it gives me the creeps .

“You okay ?”

“Yeah ,just a little scared .”

“Don’t be, I am here to protect you .” when he said this I don’t know why but I felt safe . It is very nice to here from a boy who you are in love with .I pecked his lips and just walked further .

“Oh my god , its so beautiful “ I said .We reached to an opening beside a pond ,there were lights all over the trees near the lake .The lights looked like the stars and the pond water was shining due to the lights, there was a table In the middle with two chairs. Its such a beautiful sight .

“Not more beautiful than you “ he said hugging me from behind. I blushed still l not used to getting the compliments .

“Shut up, by the way you did all this for me ?” I asked astonished by all this.

“I did this to see that amazing smile on my girlfriend’s face .” 

“Awww that’s so cute “ I said smiling at him. He did all this just to make me smile .That is so sweet of him.

“I am not sweet , I am sexy and I know it “ He said doing some idiotic moves. I started laughing and soon he also joined me .

He brought us dinner from my favourite restaurant and all of my favourite cuisines .We ate smiling at his foolish jokes and now we are sitting on the hood of his car . We were all cuddled up , dev leaning against car and me on his lap .His arms hugging me from behind and providing my body the much needed heat.It was cold at this time so he had a blankest in his car that we are wrapped into .It feels so nice in his arms ,like I have nothing to worry everything’s okay .I wish time would stop and we can remain like this forever.

Just then I turned to look at his face and saw him staring at me with such adoration like I am the worlds most beautiful girl. I moved my face and nuzzled my nose a little near his ear whispering 

“You are the best guy a girl can have, I am lucky to have you.” 

He sighed and said huskily “I am the lucky one .You are so beautiful that I cant seem to stop staring at you.” Then he leaned and started kissing my neck. I reached in heaven ,his warm lips feels so good against my neck .He started sucking on my neck and I could’nt help the moan that escaped my lips. His hands were exploring each and every curve of my body. I never knew that just what his touch does to my body. It was like nothing i had ever experienced in my life .

Then my cell phone started ringing and i had to hold back the urge to groan in annoyance. Whoever have called it better be important or it will be hell for them. At the sound of my phone ringing dev pulled back his face so i can take out my cell phone .


So what do you guys think please comment and let me know.By the way thanks all of you for reading my book :) and i dont know how it feels like to kiss someone so dont blame me if the description was not that good ;P

love you all <3

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