chapter 6

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hey guys i am glad you all liked last chapter.thanks..:)

 Chapter 6 :

we all came back to hotel.In every room there were two students so my roommate was the one and only Rishu.Wait guys i am describing about her ,have patience.She is a rich spoiled brat and popular in school. 

She is a total bitch who doesnt cares about anyone other than herself.
"hey bitch" the devil said .. 

"hello to you too slut " she is a total slut and boys follows her every wish as their command .No boy could deny her ,she is that beautiful but rotten from inside. 

"How dare you call me a slut ?" 

she was furious.But before i can reply she said again "Nevermind ,I am going to Sid's room and going to stay the night so his roommate Dev is coming here .I dont think you would have any problem but if you have then its your problem " 

She is such a bitch. With that she left the room without waiting for my response.Wait Dev is coming .OH MY GOD i have to share the room with a boy and that too none other than my freaking charming best friend. I am in so much trouble.

After dinner in hotel everybody left for their room as everyone was tired .Swati was teasing me saying i am so lucky to share a room with Dev.Saying it would be so much fun if i and dev comes in a relation.We could triple date.I know it sounds weird but here its swati , she has a wierd sense of humour.i went to my room just about to go in bed when the door opened and Dev entered
"Sorry you have to share a room with me and if you want i can go to terrace "
i thought about it would be very cruel of me if i made him sleep in terrace.The weather is cold outside .
"No no its ok.We can share a room "  

He had a mischevous smile on his face and i suddenly regeted my decision.
"So we will share a bed " he said with right brow raised probably saying with a dual meaning. "Hey dont have any other ideas .I will sleep in bed and you will sleep in sofa ".

After half an hour I was still not sleepy so i asked him " are you asleep dev ?" 

he replied "No .i cant sleep i was just thinking about today " i move over the side and asked him to sit in bed. " what were you thinking ?" I asked him.

DEV's pov

i was just thinking about shanny.She was so scared when she thought she will drown it pained me to see her in pain.I had always liked her more than friend but she is so against love that i never had the courage to say anything .I dont know how i got the courage to initiate a kiss although swati interrupted and i never get to kiss shanny. 

"Are you asleep ?" shanny asked. 

"No i cant sleep i was just thinking about today " 

she moved and let me sit in bed.I sat and she asked "What were you thinking " she looked so cute when her brows got together and she saw me with confusion on her face ."I was thinking about you ". 

i know i am testing my luck but now its high time i explain her about my feelings."What about me ?"  

"You are really very beautiful " it just slipped out of my mouth .My mouth can never remain under control when i am near her .She blushed when i said that."thanks." 

i moved towards her to remove the bangs from her eyes about to say something when my phone rang and i picked it
"hello beta ( it means son in hindi )"

"hi mom" i smiled .I really loved my mom as usual started asking how i have been and all .I was talking with my mom when i noticed a tear in shanny's eyes. I said bye and hang up on my mom.i can call her later."Are you okay ?" i asked her wiping her tears with my thumb. She started speaking " I .. I .. I miss my mom ."
I felt so bad for her.She dont desrve this."its ok.." i hugged her and she put her face on the crook of my neck.
"she used to call me every five minutes when i was out with my friends.She was such a great person ,she used to care for all even my cousins also miss her.She used to cook so well.After she died my dad distanced himself and engrossed himself in work.On sundays we used to have family outing but now my dad ignores me .Now home dont feels like a home it has became a place where i live.Without her everything feels empty.I - I really miss her.Why god has to.take her. Why - why god took her away.I need her and dad also need her.. " She was sobbing so badly i just held her and let her all cry out.She is so sweet and innocent.After her breakdown we stayed like that only .We slept in each others arms.When i wake up she was asleep.while sleeping she looked like an angle."good morning" i whispered in her ears.She stirred and opened her eyes slowly .She looked so adorable..I am really head over heels for this girl..
"goodmorning.But why are you with me in bed ?"
Then her eyes went wide, she remembered what happened last night and her eyes were again being filled with tears.
"Hey its ok .I am here for you ".Then she looked in my eyes and i know now is the perfect time to tell her.
"Shanny you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen .You are the bestest friend anyone could have.The way you bit your lips when your nervous and the way you blush when i compliments you is just so adorable .I had fallen in love with you the day i had laid my eyes on you.The way your body hand fits perfectly in mine..." i was lost in her eyes .She showed no emotion just shocked so i leaned in and my eyes wandered towards her lips .I inched forwards and she closed her eyes ..


ha ha .. sorry for the cliff hanger .. but i enjoyed writing it.. :)

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