Chapter 17

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Selena's P.O.V



Wake up

Wake up


"Justin turn it off." I rolled over. Today is the day Becky and Sophie and Aunty Cam and her boyfriend Richie are coming to stay I'm like a druggy high on drugs. Justin said he would come the airport with me to pick them up, which I am happy at least I don't have to sit in a car for an hour on my own,

Their flight is in at 2am its 12 am now so I went into the bathroom done my business got washed and headed to my closet and got changed. I walked back into the room to see Justin looking hot.

"Your only awake yet you manage to look good." he said walking into the bathroom to do his teeth.

"Ah my biebsy wisey is so cute." I said in a baby voice hugging him from behind and squeezing him.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked he nodded we walked down to the garage and hopped in the car.

"You want me to drive?" Justin asked while yawning I awed him and laughed.

"Ha no I'm good your tired I'm not, you can sleep, I'll let ya " I winked and backed out of the garage and pressed the button for the gate, I looked at Justin who pulled his hood over his head and stuck his earphones in. The roads were empty so it was great , I stuck the radio on and "No-One By Alicia Keys ''Came on and I sang along with it, I used to sing when I was small but not so much now ever since I started to dance . I was singing along reaching the note and was interrupted by Justin talking.

''Damn Sel you never told you could sing." he said with wide eyes I cringed.

"Crap I thought you were sleep, dude don't listen to me when I sing I'd burst your ear drums." I said in my strong Dublin accent.

"What are you on, your bloody great, what can't you do?" he asked.

"What you mean?" I asked confused.

"You dance, play basketball, video games, Sing, and what else can you do." he asked. I Taught about it I can act I was in loads of plays back at school and I can play football.

"Eh I can act and play Football not your football my football (soccer)." I said stopping at a red light.

"Oh right, you any good at soccer?" he asked me sitting up in his seat.

"I was captain of the school team 3 years running , we won the all-Ireland finals this year" I said smiling proudly, ugh I wish I could go back to Ireland and continue my life over there, my smile turned into a frown, Justin noticed.

"Why you frowning?" he asked me.

"I just miss my old life back home, I'd go back if I had the chance." I said in a low voice.

"Oh right." he said I looked at him and he was frowning looking out the window.

"But I can't leave my biebsy behind so I'm stuck here amen't I." I laughed causing him to laugh.

"Why don't you go back for a week when your friends go back home." he said I sigh.

"To be honest Justin if I went back with them I wouldn't come back here." I said.

"I know how you feel , when I moved here from Canada I missed everyone so much and mom went back and visit I couldn't it was too soon I had to get used to my life here so when I go back there I'd look forward to coming back here " Justin said to me.

"That exactly what I'm doing I'll probs go back in few months for a holiday " I said pulling up to the airport Justin put his hat and glasses on, you never know when the beliebers could attack, we walk to the arrival gate and they were waiting for their luggage, I had my back turn and was facing Justin we were cracking Jokes about the most stupid things I was in the middle of a laughing fit when I was trampled to the ground.

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