7: The Siren's Song

Start from the beginning

When we get to the gym, we quickly take our seats and await for this assembly to start. I wonder what it could be about. Eventually, everyone has taken their seats, talking loudly amongst each other. The principal finally steps up to the podium and starts speaking. "Good afternoon students. This assembly has been called today for our three lovely new students. They have happily volunteered to sing for all of us, so please make them feel welcome!" The principal announces. Everyone around me cheers and claps as the three girls walk to the front of the gym, microphones in hand. I suddenly feel more awake. Why would Erin, Amber and Maria be so eager to perform in front of the whole school on the first day? Doesn't anyone find that a little bit suspicious? Anyone? Okay, I guess I'm alone on this then. I exchange a look with Scott. He seems surprised that the girls are putting themselves out there like this, but not suspicious of it. I sigh and turn to face the front, arms folded across my chest. The three girls smile brightly at us before they start to sing. Immediately, I know something is wrong. First of all, they're not singing in English. It sounds like some ancient forgotten language. Second of all, everyone in the gym has this dazed look on their face. People start leaning forwards in their seats, almost as if they're trying to get closer to Erin, Amber and Maria. I glance over at Scott. He looks just as dazed as everyone else. It appears that everyone is in some kind of trance. Except me. Why me? Why am I the only one not affected by the singing? I look back over at the girls with fear.

By now, their singing has grown quite loud. They walk forwards. Suddenly, their eyes turn black. I quietly gasp in shock. Their skin turns a weird shade of grey. Within moments, the three girls have transformed into something monstrous. The three of them fly up into the air above the rest of the school. Everyone looks up at them in awe. The new girls continue to sing. Their legs have transformed into tails, but they're not like mine. Their tails are pitch black in color, matching their eyes. Sharp spikes run down the back of the tails. I wouldn't want to prick my hand on one of those. Their crop tops are also black. I can see a theme here. No one in the gym makes a sound. Everyone just continues to look at these creatures. I stare in horror. What could they possibly want with a bunch of teachers and a few hundred high school students? I need to do something, but I don't know what. I watch helplessly as the hypnotic creatures make their way back to the ground, changing back to human form. They definitely aren't mermaids. I think they might be sirens. I've heard of them before, but I've never seen them. Back in Atlantia, I always passed them off as scary stories that parents told their kids. Clearly I was wrong. Eventually, they stop singing. They look at the crowd with evil grins. I suddenly remember Liam telling me that they had sung in front of a crowd earlier this morning. It all starts making sense, but it doesn't make me feel better. In fact, I'm feeling worse. I have no clue how to beat these sirens! Can they even be defeated? The one person that probably could defeat them isn't here! I calm myself down and decide that I'll see Deaton after school immediately. I'll also look over the bestiary he gave me to see if that can help.

Everyone starts clapping and cheering for the three creatures still standing out the front. I stare coldly at them, but they don't take any notice of me. The students and teachers seem to have woken up from the trance state, but I can tell it's not over. The principal walks up to the podium. "Thank you girls, that was lovely. Everyone throughly enjoyed that." He praises them. Yeah, right. I bet no one even remembers them singing. "I hope you all proceed to make Erin, Amber and Maria feel right at home here." The principal continues to the rest of us. I glance over at my left to see Scott. His eyes still have this dazed look in them. "Scott." I whisper quietly. Scott looks at me with slight confusion.

"What?" He asks in a whisper.

"Are you okay?" I question my best friend. Scott smiles happily.

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