Chapter Nine- A Miracle!

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Jordan's POV 

I wake up to bright lights and white. "W-where am I?" I asked. "You're in the hospital...You were in a car crash. It was pretty bad...." Someone said. "Who said that?" I asked. "Jordan it's me....Toby." Toby said. "Hey Toby....Where's Albie?" I asked sitting up. He looked down. "Where's Albie?" I asked again. "They said....She didn't make it. Something happened in the car but they don't know what...." He said. "What do you mean she didn't make it!" I yelled. "Sir please be quite." A nurse said popping her head into my room. "Jordan...I'm sorry but Albie she....She's dead...." Toby said. I brusted into tears. "It's okay buddy." He said. "No it's not! I should've shielded her! I should've tried to save her! I shouldn't have taken my eyes off the road! It's thanks to me the love of my life is dead!" I yelled still crying. "Sir!" A doctor said coming inside. "Oh shut the fuck up! The love of my life just fucking died so I can be however loud I fucking wanna be!" I yelled. "Sir please calm down!" He said. "Why?" I asked looking at him angrily. "Sir just let me take you to her..." He said and got a wheelchair which I got into.

He brought me to a room. I saw a heart monitor that had a striahgt line on it and a body covered on the bed. He wheeled me up next to the bed. He uncovered the body and there was Albie. Pale dead Albie...I grabbed her hand. I was surprised though....I thought dead people were cold. She was warm. I looked at her stomach and saw moving.(Like breatheing) I looked up at the heart monitor. Slowly her heart came back. "A-Albie?" I asked. Her mouth opened a bit. Her eyes fluttered open slowly. "J-Jordan?" She asked. "Albie!" I yelled. The doctor ran into the room. "What happened?" He asked. "Wh-what am I doing here?" She asked slowly. "Wait..Is she alive?" He asked. "Yes!" I said crying tears of joy. "How? She was dead...She couldn't have came back from the dead....." He said. "Jordan where are you?" Toby said in the hall. "In here Toby!!" I said and he came in.

"Jordan are you okay?" He asked. "She she's!" I said pointing to Albie. "Wait....She's alive?" He asked. "I-I thought you were gone! I thought it was my faut! But you're here and alive! I-I've never been so happy in my life!" I said. "What happened?" She asked again. "Car crash." I said. "How long amI here for?" She asked. "Another two weeks or so." The doctor said.

~Two weeks later why? Because I can!~

She gets to come home today! I've been home for a week now. But...I have something....She'll love. I told Toby and he was happy. I also asked him to go pick her up. I was so nervous. I pulled the little black box out of my pocket. I opened it. There was a a beautiful ring. I smiled. I can do this...

There was a knock on the door. I put the ring back in my pocket and opened the door. I saw Toby and Albie. "Hey guys." I said. "You sent your fucking friend to come pick me up!!!" She yelled as she walked in. "And?" Toby asked. "I expected my fucking boyfriend who almost fucking killed me come pick me up from the god damn hospital!!!" She yelled. "Albie...There was a reason to this." I said. "And what's that!" She yelled putting her hands on her hips. "Well...I'm sure how to put this or do this really but..." I said getting on one knee. "What?" She asked. "Album will you marry me?" I asked. "I-I..." She said. "Will you?" I asked. "Jordan..." She said. My heart dropped a little. "Jordan....Of course! I'll marry you! I love you!" She said hugging me. "Let..Me...Put..the ring me." I said because she was hugging so tightly. "I'm sorry." She said pulling away. I put the ring on her finger. 

~Two years later~

Albie's POV 

I was all ready. I have my dress and my heels. I also have my man out there waiting for me to walk through those doors and hug me so tightly.

"Mommy..." Ty asked poking my arm. Ty is Jordan and I's 3 year old daughter we adopted a year ago.(Yes they named their kid after Ty) "Yes sweetie?" I asked. "What are you and daddy doing?" She asked cutely. "Well sweetie...We're getting married. We're becoming an offical family. I'll finally become a Maron like you." I said picking her up. "But aren't we family?" She asked. "Yes but this is just another step. Don't worry sweetie. Now go be a good little flower girl." I said putting her down. She ran out the door. 

I heard a lot of awe's for her. I walked up so I was right behind the door. I took a deep breathe. The doors open. I looked down the aisle and saw Jordan there. I slowly made my way up the asile to Jordan. 

~Blah blah marriage shit!~

"I do." I said. "You may kiss the bride." The priest said. Jordan kissed me. We pulled away and Ty was right there. Jordan picked her up. "See sweetie? Now we're one happy family." I said. 

~Eight years later~ 

Jordan still has his YouTube channel and he now is the most subscribed YouTuber on there. I'm proud of him. We had another three kids. Two boys and another girl. Two are twins which is Brandon and Lily. Ty is now 11 years old and starting middle school. Our second oldest Alex who is 9 is in 3rd grade. "Mommy?" Brandon asked tugging on my shirt. "Yes sweetheart?" I asked. "Can you tell us how you met daddy?" He asked. "Sure thing sweetheart. Go get Lily and meet me in the living room." I said and he ran to get Lily.

The End 

Hope you enjoyed reading my story! I sure had fun writing it! Also Albie's wedding stuff is on the side! The sliver ring is the one Jordan proposed with! I'll put it in in the morning! Night!

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