Chapter Eight-

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Short thing before we get started.....I am kinda skipping the whole summer set concert thingy. I just don't feel like writing about a concert. So Yeah...To the story!

Albie's POV 

I moved in with Jordan about a month ago. But today we are going shopping for stuff for our house. It's all plain and boring. "Come on Jordan!" I said trying to pull him out the door. "Hold on. I gotta do something." He said and chuckled. He went to do something and went to the store. 

"How about a painting?" I asked. "Of?" He asked. "How about....." I said thinking. "Oh...How about this one?" He asked and pointed to a painting. It was a beautiful sunset on a beach. "Sure." I said and got the painting.

We put it on the counter and paid for the painting. The lady smiled and gave us our painting. We then went to the car. "Is that all you wanted? One little painting?" He asked. "I order us a new table so that'll be enough." I said and smiled. "Where would I be without you." He said ad poked my nose. "Alone talking to your webcam." I said swatted his hand away...playfully! "Okay....Let's go home!" He said and started the car. I laughed at his childish ways. We soon left the parking lot and started to drive home.

I turned on the radio and an old Owl City song came on. "Oh cool! I loved this song when I listened to Owl City." I said and started to sing. 

"She's a bombshell blonde. Wired up to detonate. I'm James Bond, live to die another day! Bombshell blond! High explosion dynamite, She's all I want, so I, I'm on a mission tonight!" I sang. "I love it when you sing." Jordan said. "Thanks Mr.Sparklez." I said and poked his nose. "Hey it's the truth. Why don't you make cover videos?" He asked. "I don't know....Never thought of it." I said shrugging. "Well you are making a video when we get home!" Jordan said. "You ain't my boss." I said in a little country accent. "I could be." He said and moved his eyebrows around. I started to laughed.

Jordan looked at me. "Shut up." He said. "Poor baby!" I said still laughing. "You are so annoying...Why do I live with you?" He asked. "Because you l-" I was cut off by a huge crash and the car flipped over. 

I groaned. My leg and chest hurt badly. "Oh shit...What happened?" I asked trying to breathe. I didn't get an answer. "Jordan..." I said. No responds. "Jordan!" I screamed and my sides started hurting. Everything was getting blurry. I'm guessing either I was crying or passing out. Everything went black. Yep I passed out. But I did hear the sirens before I passed out so I guess that's good...

~Athour's Note

Sorry for the short chapter!!!! And sorry for not updating very much lately! I've been busy! But! I am back! And I..I mean we hit 40 followers! Thanks guys! So...Jess and I need something to do for it =) Jess was thinking she could show you guys what she looks like and I do a cover but not show my face...I don't like how I look....But you guys deiced! Anyways guys bye for now!

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