It hurts

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Garp's angry gaze turned towards the Admiral, about to lift himself up but for Sengoku's voice to stop him. "Don't do anything stupid Garp." Garp silently cursed the magma Admiral.

"(Y/N)!" Ace and Luffy called in shock, as Ivankov and Jimbei helped prepare him for his plan.

"Captain!" A familiar voice rang out. Your body was about to hit the ground until you were stopped by a sudden gush of wind that was somehow holding you up. You tried to catch your breath as you were slowly let down onto the ground.

'Damn. He's too fast for me to sense with Kenbunshoku Haki.' You looked down at yourself, your dress shirt was once again burnt, and parts of your arms were red.

'I'm trying to save my Buso Haki, but maybe I should've used more. He's a dick, but he's also an Admiral for a reason.' You thought with narrowed eyes as you slowly tried to pick yourself up collecting your buster sword on the ground, then realizing something wasn't on your head. You put a hand on your (h/c) hair in alarm as you tried to search for it. It was in front of you once you turned your head to the right, only to see the one holding it was none other then Jet.

Your eyes widened.

"Jet!" Jet smirked.

"Hello Captain!" He greeted you back. Your eyes slowly narrowed as you stood fully up with your shoulders tensed in anger.

'The Silver Judgement pirates?' Three warlords and a marine thought. As well as the strong marines in the plaza.

"I told you to stay away from this war! You're supposed to be in Saboady! Are the others here as well?!" You glanced behind Jet to confirm your question. Hak was behind Jet, as he fought marines while the others were scattered in fights as well. "If we weren't here, you would've been in the bottom of the ocean!" Hak answered.

You paused in thought, as you looked around at the broken and melting ice. Your lips turned to a frown. They still shouldn't be here. You opened your mouth to scold them once more, only for you to hear them announce again they are commencing with Ace's execution. Your eyes widened as you turned your body around to see the executioners having their blades ready. Then spotting Luffy get above the siege wall with the help of Jimbei.

You bit your lip as you turned towards your crew, assessing them quickly. They don't have many injuries, and their Haki seems to be alright. Not low. And they are fighting quite well. You internally nodded to yourself.

They can handle themselves.

You called Hak, for him to do a favor for you. He smirked and said no problem as he quickly finished his fight with the marine and came over as you told him your plan, him nodding along. Once they were ready, Jet called your name once again. You turned towards him curiously.

Jet raised his hand with your MARINE cap slowly.

You looked at it and slowly rose your hand only to stop, hesitating.

The crew watched in worry at the conflicting emotions across your face as you tried to decide if you should take it or not. Smoker watched with sad eyes, seeing (Y/N)'s hesitation.

'Why would she want it back anyway?' Smoker thought tightly. His words when they were kids seemed to be wrong. It seems it does matter if you're a child of a pirate...that hat that she's always cared for... the one object that connects them.

Crocodile watched silently at Silver Blood's struggle with herself, a memory tugging in his brain.

"When you first woke up, I didn't miss how you stared at this old trash."

"Treasure." She corrected. "That's my treasure."

Doflamingo watched with curious eyes on what the young conflicted once marine would do. She has no idea what to decide.

Strong(One Piece x Reader)[EDITING IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now