White and Silver

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You told him everything you could. The harsh training you had to go through, which wasn't really training, but throwing you mission after mission after mission. Your first assassination wasn't easy. You killed a man in his sleep. Vulnerable. Didn't even have the option to fight. (Y/N) hesitated for the first few days when you had to do it, even if the man did cruel deeds to make it to the assassination list.

But the missions got eviler and crueler. You spoke how difficult it was, to befriend, to lie, to betray, to kill. A constant cycle. One you couldn't leave, because you had your stupid pride. To prove that you know how to follow orders and not like your father who was a pirate.

One wrong move, and you would be gone. One weakness that could be exploited, would cause you to hold fear within you. You could not call him. Smoker gritted his teeth, a scowl on his face as he listened. You wished you could,
(Y/N) said.

"It was difficult. Hard. So hard. That I couldn't call my Nakama. Couldn't call you. But, I wanted to push through. For my dream. I had to be the strongest woman marine. And I thought once I reached there, I would be able to be with everyone again." You said with a small sad smile. Clearly, that cannot happen now. Things have changed. But that's what you thought. Dreamed. Hoped.

But then, you made a friend. A comrade.

"It was strange, Smokey. The first comrade I found was the coldest and most effective agent of CP9. You've heard of him. His name is Rob Lucci." Smoker tightened his cigars as he let out a muttered "Yeah, I know him. Everyone that's a marine does." Him then remarking that he was the one that picked you up, when you were sixteen to be taken in by CP9.

You nodded.

You then saying he was an interesting character. Had a strong belief of 'Dark Justice', followed missions to the exact dot, his sadism, and had a pigeon that talked. Smoker rose an eyebrow at that.

"A pigeon? You had to include that in there?" He said incredulously. You chuckled.

"I can't leave out Hattori. That stupid bird. Can't tell if it liked me or not. One second it was pecking my face like it was dinner, the next it's cuddling close to it."

Fickle. Like his master. But you left that part out.

He was everything you hated. His sadistic nature, the way he just didn't care what they did, you hated it. But they were the best. The best duo that CP9 ever had. So you were always in missions with him. As time passed, you realized that...your body just moved on its own to have his back. If a sword was suddenly too close, or a knife thrown near his direction, you would take it. Deflect it away, even though you knew he would've been able to do it himself. Smoker commented that he's not surprised. You rose an eyebrow.


Smoker closed his eyes in thought. "You always had a tendency to care too much. When we were training as marines, and had to battle pirates, you would always put yourself in danger just for me to not get hurt. When you were a Lieutenant, you always asked for the Pirates to surrender at any time. You never killed any of them, when they could've done it to you." He opened his eyes and gazed into your eyes with his brown ones.

"It's one of the things that made me go crazy about you. You always did stupid things. You always cared too much. You would probably care about a Warlord as well."

(Y/N) internally flinched. Oh man. Smoker got it right on the money. Not one, not two, but three. Three Shichibukai that you would rather avoid killing because of your odd relationship with them.(Mihawk is the closest your with. But the heck is Crocodile and Doflamingo? Friends? Acquaintances? What??!)

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