04. The Woods Are A NoNo

Start from the beginning

Stefan stayed quite. 

"Ah. Got you. Well, let's hope for your brother's sake, he believes you more than I. You never stop caring about family, do you? But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go." 


Stefan exited the bar. Stumbling as if he was drunk, more like drunk with pain. 

Mirabella walked out of the bar heading towards the black SUV her brother compelled for the trip. Upon seeing Stefan looking up at the sky, she could sense his pain, so putting aside their previous problems she called out his name, "Stefan? Are you o.k.." 

He didn't turn around. He heard her but he didn't turn around. 

Mirabella is stubborn, anyone could tell you this. Living up to her stubborn reputation she sped in front of Stefan. "Stefan, you'll be ok. You can survive this. Whatever you do, just hold on." 

His face started to crumble as if he wanted to cry. 

"I love you Stefan. You're family loves you. Elena loves you. Hold on to that. Never let that go."


Mirabella hated the woods for one reason and one reason only. Bugs. The pesky creatures bothered her to no end. 

Right now the trio were in the Smoky Mountains. Mirabella really wanted to get out of Tennessee but seeing as she technically had no choice, she didn't have room to complain. 

"You ok? Is Ray getting heavy?"Klaus asked Stefan seeing his was carrying the, mostly likely weighing 160-180 lb., werewolf. 

"I'm fine." 

Mirabella found her opening, "I'm not. These bugs just can't leave a girl alone. I really shouldn't have worn perfume." 

Klaus ignored his sister, " You sure about that? You know we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..."

"You know, I get that we're, uh-- we're stuck together, Klaus, but if we could maybe just skip the chit chat, it'd be great." 

"So much brooding. You're self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend."

Mirabella was now lagging behind the males. "Maybe it's 'cause we're a little tired of werewolf hunting. We've been at it all summer." 

Klaus waked into an opening, "And thanks to our pal Ray, We found ourselves a pack." 

Bella could see men and women bustling around, most likely in preparation for the full moon.


Stefan started to walk into the campsite. All the people turned and looked towards him. He set Ray down on the dirt floor. 

A woman noticed the body was Ray and ran towards him, "Ray! Oh, my god. What's going on?" She looked up to Stefan, "Who are you?" 

Then of course Klaus had to be dramatic, " The important question is who am I." Him and Mirabella walked into the clearing. 

Bella looked towards all the inhabitants, "Please forgive our intrusion." 

"My name is Klaus and this is my sister Mirabella" Mirabella did a little wave with her fingers. 

The girl stood up from the ground, "You're the hybrid." 

"You've heard of me. Fantastic." 


The trio had made them selves comfy on a log , "Its fascinating, actually-- A werewolf who isn't a slave to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." 

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