Chapter 40 Order and Chaos

Start from the beginning

"There is a possibility that Mr. Andrewson won't be kept in the base." I acknowledged, "But it's highly unlikely. Whatever the case is, I will temporarily shield us from sight. Tom and Diego, you two are our defence line, so keep your eyes peel for any trouble. Viktor, Chung, we are counting on you for all technical problems."

Everyone nodded to reaffirm their rolls and I squeezed my eyes closed, not looking forward to being teleported again.

"On the count of three." Charmain announced, "Three, two, one."

Once again, the nauseating sensation rushed right in along with feeling like I was being compressed. This time, however, I could felt an iciness creeping up my hand linked to Charmain; she must be trying to triangulate with my thoughts. I held on tighter to Charmain and Tom as well, grounding myself at our contact and the fact that I wasn't in this alone and focused on thinking of Mr. Andrewson. I briefly wondered if Charmain felt the same way when she was teleporting, although I couldn't imagine that it would be the same for her if she was willing to use it so liberally.

As soon as the discomfort began to ease, I started getting ready to project a mind distortion around us. It wasn't something that I had a lot of practice with, since Casey usually deal with this. However, it turned out that I could do it and I wasn't going to let an extra person risk their life for a task that I could pull off.

The moment my feet touched solid ground, I got a sense that something was wrong when everyone titled sideways and collapsed all over the place. I landed on Tom, who huffed as my elbow collided with his stomach and I was thankful when I didn't feel anyone land on me.

Without wasting time, I wrapped an imitation field around us and tried to detect the place we crash landed in. We appeared to be in some kind of corridor that, by a stroke of luck, were just outside of the security camera's angle of vision. Quickly, I short circuited one. While I was able to hide us from passing humans, I wouldn't be able to do the same with digital devices.

"Charmain, are you okay?" Viktor's voice dragged me back to the present and I saw that he was cradling Charmain, who looked like she was about to pass out.

"Something was wrong, I couldn't get to this Mr. Andrewson person and we got extruded here." She answered, and I mentally noted that I needed to work on her choice of words later.

"Blocked?" Viktor asked, frowning as he helped her up. I realized I was still sprawled over Tom, our legs twisted together and I blushed. Tom groaned as I tried to get up, elbowing him harder on the soft flesh of his midriff and put a hand on the small of my back to push me up.

"This has never happened before." Charmain looked slightly better already, but her face was still deathly pale. "For a moment I thought we would crash land in the rock layers."

"Hey, it's alright, we are all safe." Viktor comforted her, rubbing her arms up and down and I stifled my smirk, now was not the time to get excited about this. Turning around, Chung had reached up to the CCTV camera that I short circuited and sparks of electricity flew from his fingers.

"I have set all the cameras in this corridor on a loop of their previous footage, but we need to hurry before they find out." He said, and I gave him a grateful nod. I was a little hesitant about how well he would fit in as a group, but it seemed that I was concerned over nothing.

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