"So you think I am a bit?" Pj clarified.

"Pretty much apart from the whole girlfriend who's five years younger than you I would say you are," Chris said finally.

"Good," Pj said.

"Am I the only one who has a tiny crush on Michael Cera?" Dan asked.

"Nope, he is the perfect combination of geeky and hot," Phil said truthfully.

"I second that motion," Chris added.

"Oh you guys." Pj said, pretending to swat at them and blush.

They spent the rest of the movie not really watching it. They pretended to reenact the fight scenes and then had a crazy completion to see who could catch the most popcorn in their mouth in a row. Phil was proud he won that one. They also tried to find out between Chris and Pj who could fit the most pretzels in their mouth. Chris won that one, he had really stretchy cheeks somehow.

Then it got late, and Chris and Pj had to go home. But at least Dan was staying over. They said goodbye to Chris and Pj, then went back upstairs to put on another DVD. They crawled back onto Phil's bed and started discussing what film to watch.

"Do you like horror films Dan?" Phil asked.

"I do yeah,"

"I'm not so keen but I need to get over my fear, do you wanna watch the first scream movie?" Phil said, digging the case from the box under his bed.

"Yeah, sounds good. The first one isn't too scary, so you should be fine," Dan said reassuringly. Phil put the DVD in the disk drive and pressed play when the menu came up. He resumed his position next to Dan and grabbed his little hand sized toy lion and held him tightly. He was a sort of comfort to Phil and had been since he was a small child. He knew Dan wouldn't make fun of him for it anyway.

As the film went on it got more and more creepy and had made Phil jump a few times. He hadn't even realised he was shaking slightly, having pulled a blanket around him to stop the cold but it wasn't really helping him feel safe.

"Phil are you okay? You're shaking," Dan said.

"Mm fine," Phil mumbled, burying his head into his lap when another part made him jump.

"Phil it's fine. Here, I'll protect you," Dan said, tugging some of the blanket onto himself and wrapping his arm around Phil's shoulder, pulling him in closer to him. Phil smiled and snuggled into Dan a tiny bit more and he realised he knew the scary guys could come into his room any moment and Dan wouldn't really be able to do anything but Phil didn't really care, he felt safe in Dan's embrace. Now he kind of didn't want the movie to end, because he would have to let go of Dan and change disks.

Inevitably the film ended about 10 minutes later, which made Phil sigh.

"So feel better now about horror movies?" Dan asked as Phil brought his DVD box back out again, having shuffled away droopily.

"No, but thanks for protecting me," Phil said, ducking his head lower so Dan couldn't see his blush.

"It's fine, I sort of liked protecting you," Dan said, then looked away too, his own cheeks going pink. "So what are we watching now?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Ah, you shall see. Close your eyes," Phil ordered, making sure Dan had obliged and slotted the disk in, jumping back down next to Dan an covering himself in the blanket. "Eyes still shut?" Phil asked once he was comfy and Dan nodded. The title screen appeared and Phil clicked play and dropped the remote on his lap. "Now open Howell." he said. Dan opened his eyes and smiled instantly, knowing exactly what it was.

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