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"Oh how I love the smell of coffee in the morning...or should I say way too late at night." Maiara says, clinking her mug with mine.

It's nearing 2 AM, and Maiara and I are barely awake. She went to sleep at 7 so she wouldn't sleep on the plane to avoid jet lag, but I, of course, only got an hour and a half of sleep. I hate jet lag as much as the other guy, but it's going to be such a long flight and I'm so tired...

I take a drink of coffee and try to avoid my sleepy thoughts.

"So, tell me about Phil, what is he like?" Maiara asks.

I've gone into minor detail about my childhood best friend with Maiara, but I don't think I've ever told her a whole lot about him. Hell, I don't even think she knows what he looks like.

I smile, "There's so many wonderful things about him that if I were to tell you everything, we'd be sitting here for hours."

She smiles as well, "Then just tell me what you like most."

"Well, the first thing you'll notice about him is that he's genuinely the most down to earth guy you'll ever meet. He's so nice that he'll make the nicest person you know seem like an asshole."

She lets out a laugh, "Really? So after I meet him I'm gonna get the impression that you're a bitch?"

"Hey, now, don't be pointing fingers yet." I lightly punch her arm the arm.

"I'm just saying that you're the nicest person I know."

"Awe, you're too sweet."

She rolls her eyes. "Anyways, go on. Tell me more about Phil."

"He does YouTube for a living, but I've probably mentioned that before." She nods, taking another sip of her coffee.

After 20 more minutes of "Phil is so" this and "Phil is so" that, Maiara and I get ready to go, and my alarm goes off on my phone, telling me that it's time to head to the airport.

"I can't wait to meet Phil, he sounds like a great guy. Are we ready? Do we have everything? Can we leave?" Maiara asks, tossing her coffee mug into the sink and grabbing her two suitcases.

"Yes, we can leave." I say with a laugh, grabbing my carryon bag and throwing it over my shoulder. I pull my suitcases along and we make our way out to Maiara's car. We pile our luggage in the trunk, and after a short argument of who's going to drive, I smile and climb into the passenger seat.

"I hate you," she mumbles, turning on the engine.

"Love you, too." I smirk and blow her a kiss right as my phone goes off.

I have a text from Dan.

Good morning, Rachel. I slept great, how about you?

Yeah yeah, fuck you 😒

Chill babe. I was just being nice and asking you how you slept. 😇

When you know I had less than two hours of sleep. And don't 'babe' me hoe.

I can 'babe' who ever I want. 💅🏼

The sass is real today, huh?

You know it, booboo. 😘

I roll my eyes and shove my phone back into my pocket.


After a few more minutes of driving, we finally pull into the airport and I groan, "Let's get this over with."


We get situated on the plane, and I look out the window. Finally, I have a window seat. Maiara sits next to me and I smirk, and she just rolls her eyes. "You get everything you want. It's not fair."

"I don't always get what I want."

She raises her eyebrows. "Really?"

"Okay, I'd say at least 80% of the time I get what I want." I admit.

"Mhmm." She mumbles, opening her laptop. I get out my phone and message Dan.

Hey, did you tell Phil that Maiara and I were coming?

He immediately messages me back.
Him and his damn phone. He always has it in his hand, I swear.

No, but I'll tell him if you want me to.

NO. It's a secret. Let's keep it that way. We'll be there soon. And by soon I mean twenty years  .  .   . Why can't planes go faster? 😡

Chill, Rachel. You'll be here before you know it.

I hope so. Maiara is really excited to meet Phil. This morning I bragged to her about him for almost half an hour.

And you didn't brag about me? *gasp*
How rude.

I didn't want to brag about you because you're mine. 😈

Wow. And earlier you called me a hoe for calling you babe?

I'm joking obviously. I'm single af. 😣

When you get here let's go to a club or something. Phil and Maiara can stay back at the apartment and have some 'alone time,' wink wink.

Sounds good haha. I'm gonna get off my phone though because I want to save my battery. You're picking Maiara and I up at the airport later, right?

Yeah, I'll just tell Phil I'm going to the shops or something.

Alright. Talk to you soon. 😀😄😊🙂😍😜😁😆🙃😘😝🤗😂☺️😗😛😏🙄😃😉😋😙

Whoa, there. Too many emojis.

I spend the next few minutes making emoji art and sending them to him.

Didn't you say you were gonna get off your phone? 😂

Right. Sorry. 😁

I sigh and shove my phone into my carry-on bag, and pull out my latest read, Girl Online: On Tour by Zoella.

I love everything about her. Her videos, her books, her makeup collection. She's like my favorite person on YouTube, next to Phil and Dan, of course.

I know Dan and Phil are pretty good friends with her, maybe if I bug one of them they'll give in to taking me to meet her sometime.

We finally take off, and I look out my window. I smile as everything becomes smaller and smaller.

I can't wait to see Dan and Phil again.


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