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I did what both my heart and mind were telling me to do: go home early.

"I'm sorry. I promise I'll come back again soon." I hug Phil and frown, "And don't you dare hurt yourself again." I whisper and lean back.

He nods and looks down, "Have a safe trip back, Rachel." And with that he walks back into the apartment building.

"When are you coming back?" Dan asks.

"I don't know. But I'll bring my roommate with me, so Phil won't get lonely."

"Oh, does that mean you'll be spending most of your time with me?" He smirks and I shove his shoulder.

We both laugh and he smiles, looking down, "I'll miss you."

"Sure you will." I grab my suitcase and start to turn around until he grabs my arm.

"I'm serious. Give me a hug or you'll suffer the consequences."

I roll my eyes and stand on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzling my head into his chest, and he engulfs me in his warm embrace.

This is the first time I've properly hugged him, and honestly, I don't want to let go.

I pull back, though, and sigh. "Talk to you later."

"Bye, Rachel." He says quietly and I climb into the cab. I close the door and look out the window and I see him shove his hands in his pockets and turn around, walking back into the building.


"I'm back!" I barge through my door and see Maiara jump up from the couch and hug me,

"Rachel! What the hell are you doing back so early?! Not that I'm complaining."

"Well, it's a long story, but I'll explain it over dinner, you hungry? We can go out, I'll buy."

"Why do you sound so excited?" She asks, laughing, "I figured you'd be all sad because you had to leave your best friend again."

My smile turns to a frown. "Well, now that you mention it, I am kind of sad. But...he seemed kind of upset with me when I told him I was leaving early."

"Oh...sorry, I just totally crushed your mood."

"No, it's okay. Do you still wanna go out for dinner?"

She smiles and nods, "Yeah, but you have to tell me everything that happened."

"Trust me, I won't leave out a single detail."


"So, you're going to go back to visit him again, in two months, and you want me to go with you? It's because you like his roommate Dan, isn't it? You want me to hang out with Phil so you can spend time with Dan."

"Maiara, listen, I-"

"-Fine, I'll go. I'll just need awhile to clear my schedule."

I smile and hug her, "Thank you! You're the greatest friend anyone could ask for."

"Mhmm." She smiles and continues to eat her steak. I just roll my eyes and take another bite of my salad.

When we get back to the apartment it's almost 11 and I decide to go to sleep.

"Awe, you don't want to watch a movie with me to end the night?" Maiara asks, pouting.

"I'd love to but I have to be up at 7 tomorrow. I have a photoshoot to do for Elf Cosmetics."

"Ugh, lucky you, getting all the makeovers and advertising some makeup and getting paid to do it."

"Hey, you were on over three hit TV shows and in one of the best parody films of all time!"

She shrugs, "I guess. Godnight."

"Goodnight." I laugh and head to my room. I quickly check my notifications, and notice I have a text from 'DAYUM DANIEL 😍'.

Okay, so maybe I do kind of like him. I mean, I totally wasn't stalking his Instagram feed on my flight back to LA.

Good morning, Rachel Lynn. Or should I say goodnight? It's nearing midnight in LA.

Good morning to you, Dan. By the way, don't tell Phil I said this because I want it to be a surprise, but I'm coming back to visit you guys again in two months, and I'm bringing Maiara.

Can't wait to see you again, I still feel like shit for being part of the reason why you left early.

It's okay, Dan. Maiara was glad to see me and was happy that I came home early. By the way, how's Phil? He hasn't messaged me since I left.

He's doing alright, I guess. For the past few hours he's been in his room with his door shut. He only came out once and that was to get food.

Lol same. Anyways I better get to sleep. I've got a photoshoot with Elf Cosmetics tomorrow. Talk to you later.

Work it girl. Lolz goodnight.


After the photoshoot I go out and get some lunch, and run into a few fans of mine. I happily take pictures with them and give them autographs and answer all the questions they have.

"For a couple of weeks you, like, fell off the face of the earth and now you're back. Where'd you go?" One girl asks me.

"Oh, I went to London to visit an old friend of mine, I just didn't tell anyone where I was going when I cleared my schedule."

"Oh, okay, thank you for answering our questions! We love you Rachel!" Her and her friends hug me, and I smile,

"Love you guys, too! Thanks for your support."

Honestly, being slightly famous isn't half bad. You get some moments of fame, and other moments of privacy. Being as famous as Justin Bieber or someone else that's just as high up in the industry, well, that must be a pain in the ass.

Sometimes I want to land a part in a major breakout film, that's in theaters everywhere, but other times I'm just glad that I have only a few fans. I'm glad I get my own privacy, I'm glad that I don't have to worry about paparazzi following me around and secretly taking pictures of me when I trip and fall.

Most of all, I'm just happy I get to make time for the ones that count.


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