Chapter 31

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"Taylor!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I didn't remember anything that happened to get me here. "Why am I here? what happened?" I asked sitting up frantically.

"You were in a really bad car accident..." He said.

I rubbed my head "I'm sorry...who are you?"

He sat there in shock. " Joey. Your best friend."

"Oh." I just sat there trying to think. But then I remembered. I was coming back from Vidcon with Joey, eating Taco Bell. He was vlogging and driving. "Joey. I remember now." He nodded. "So what exactly happened?"

"So...basically I ran a red light accidentally and a semi crashed into the passenger side. You were in a coma for 4 weeks.".

"Four weeks?!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down..." he said coming over and putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I calmed down a bit. "What time is it..." I said with my head in my hands.

He pulled out his phone. "Almost 2 am."

"Then why are you still here?" I asked lifting my head.

"Because I refused to leave you alone. You're my best friend. I wouldn't leave for all the money in the world." He said looking deep into my eyes.

"I love you Joey." I said pulling him in for a hug.

He hugged back. "I love you too."

"So exactly what injuries do I have?" I asked oblivious.

"Broken leg, something to do with your rib cage. I don't know. They're putting you into surgery tomorrow."

My heart jumped. Surgery?! I can't do that!

Joeys POV

She looked even worse than she did when she was asleep. Bloodshot eyes, really weak. God I hope she gets better after the surgery.

"Well, I think we should go back to sleep." She said.

"Agreed." I said as I sat back down on the bench that was for the visitor(s).

"Wait...joey who all came to see me?" she asked sitting up again.

"Well...Kalel, Jc, Sam, Kian, Ricky, Rebecca, Alexa, even Trevor came to see you." I said trying to think of all the people who came.

"What about.....Connor?"

I sighed. "Well, he came the first week you were here and might be coming back tomorrow." I could see the tears well up in her eyes.

I stood up and gave her a reassuring kiss on the forehead. We talked instead of sleeping that night. She didn't remember all that much from the past month, so I had to fill her in.


Taylor's POV

I woke up and saw someone holding my hand, and lots of doctors standing around me.

"Connor?" I said wearily.

"Yeah it's me. Listen, they're taking you into surgery and I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry."

"Just because I'm getting surgery, doesn't make everything just disappear when you say sorry." I said feeling weaker than ever.

The doctors mumbled something to Connor that I couldn't make out. But he said "I love you." and that was my last memory of him.

Connors POV

It'd been 3 hours since Taylor went into surgery. I was so scared. Even though I knew she would make it out alive, I was still scared. I sat in the corridor of the hospital, lots of people and doctors walking down. Joey was sitting across the room from me. It was awkward. A couple people came in one after another to see if she was okay. But I didn't know what to say to them.

But at like 2pm Jc came.

"Is she okay? did she wake up?" he said right away sitting next to me.

"Yes she woke up. But jc, I honestly don't know if she's okay." I said combing my fingers through my hair.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah I'm okay. It's just...when I told her I loved her...she didn't say it back."

"C'mon man, she loves you more than anyone in the universe." He said patting me on the back.

"Yeah I hope so." I tried holding back tears so much.

Joeys POV

I sat there praying to god that she would be okay after this and we could go on living our normal lives. Connor was sitting across the hall from me and wouldn't talk to me. Why does he hate me so much?

Someone came and was talking to him for a bit, and I just sat there. Not even scrolling through twitter or instagram or anything. I was bored, but excited to see my best friend healthy again.


Another half hour passed by, and a doctor walked out of the surgery room. I was anxious but scared at the same time. Connor was gone getting food or something, so I stood up to talk to him.

"Mr. Graceffa?" He said to me.

"Yeah. How is she?" I said talking really really fast.

"Well, her broken rib cage caused enteral bleeding during the surgery, and the eternal bleeding fractured her lungs."

My heart sunk. I knew what he was going to say. My eyes started filling with tears.

"I'm sorry to say that Taylor Anderson was pronounced dead on the operating table at 1:13 pm, August 4th 2013."

"What." I said sounding devastated. "No no no. No. She can't be. No. She was fine last night I talked.i to her! this can't be happening right now!" I yelled, tears rushing down my face.

"I'm sorry." The doctor said one more time before walking away.

Connor walked back about 2 minutes later and noticed I was crying.

"What happened?" He said standing next to me

"She...she died Connor. She's gone forever." I said crying harder.

Connors POV

this isn't fricking fair! This can't be real life...... "where is she. I need to see her now." I said speed walking down the hall where the surgery was done.

"Sir you can't go in there!" A doctor yelled at me as I attempted to open the door to a room.

"I don't care!" I turned around to face him. "I need to see my girlfriend one more time, tell her I love her one more time, hold her hand..." I trailed off.

"I'm sorry you can't go in."

I turned the knob. Locked. I stared through the window at her body with a white sheet over it. Tears fell down my face as I just watched her lay there. Why did this have to be her? why couldn't it have been me who die? she doesn't deserve this! I do! We didn't even make up from our 'fight.' I didn't get to hold her in my arms one more time and tell her she was beautiful and that I loved her and only her. this wasn't fair. Why did this have to be my life?!?! I stormed down the hallway and out the door to my car. I just sat there bawling my eyes out. People stared at me while they walked past my car, but I really didn't care. The love of my life, just died. I couldn't believe this was happening. This had to be a dream.

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