Chapter 25

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He had cuts on his face, his arm, his legs, and one huge deep cut across his chest.

"Connor are you okay?!" I said grabbing his hand.

"Taylor." he said still not opening his eyes.

"Jc he needs help!" I yelled. Jc wasn't where he was standing a minute ago...

"You really think I'm going to help him." A deep voice said. He walked out of no where holding a knife to Jc's neck.

I gasped. "Let him go!" I jumped up.

"One more step and I kill your little friends." The guy said very calmly.

I started panicking and just stood there.

"Dad let them go!" a familiar girls voice said. She walked out from where the man walked out. "I love them and I'll never let you do this to them!"

"Shut UP!" he screamed and cut Jc's arm. It was gushing blood right away.

"Help me!" he whispered quietly just enough so I could hear him.

"Wimpy little kid. Get away from me. I don't need you anymore." The man threw Jc on the wall next to Connor. He sat there in pain while the guy grabbed my arm and pulled me. He cut open my arms where the veins were in my wrists, all the way up to my elbow. I winced in pain.

"He doesn't love you. You're both worthless." He said as he was cutting up my left arm.

"Get away from her!" Jc got up and punched the man with his right arm, the one that hadn't been cut. I fell onto the ground and just laid there bleeding. Countless thoughts were going through my mind right now. Was I going to die here? I started letting go and just closed my eyes dizzily.


I woke up seeing lights and hearing sirens.

"What's going on?" I asked sitting up. I saw bandages on my arms and the I remembered. But I didn't care about myself. I got up and walked to a different part of the 'room' where Connor was standing.

"Connor!" I said as I gently hugged him and tried not to make him hurt more than he already was.

"Taylor. I'm sorry for getting you into this." He said sounding guilty.

"No. It wasn't your fault. The important thing is that we're okay."

We talked to some police and they explained to us that the man wasn't a serial killer, but he like...tortured people for a living. He's the one who attacked Connors family.

I finally saw Jc after we were done like answering questions and whatever else the po po wanted us to say. I gave him a hug, too. His arm was way worse than my cuts.

"Thank you so so so so much." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm just glad were all okay." He said. I could hear the tears coming on in his voice.

"Justin..dont cry or I'm going to cry." I said looking at him with my hands around his neck still.

A tear fell down his face. We hugged it out and everything seemed better.

***the next day***

We eventually all got a ticket back to LA because they told us we needed to all rest, especially because we were still going to Vidcon. It was Wednesday, and we leave tomorrow to get checked into our hotel room. I'm sharing a room with Joey, because o2l wanted to have their own room and wouldn't let me share one with Connor. Ugh. Sometimes I hate thoes boys, but sometimes I love them to death.

Of course everyone was questioning us because of all the scars we had, but we tired out best not to talk about that night ever again.

I was laying in my bed watching pretty little liars on Netflix, when I remembered I had not had my phone for like 3 days. I'm surprised I forgot. I picked it up from my side table. There was 3 huge cracks at the bottom of the screen. Great, just great. I plugged it in and waited for it to turn on. Immediately I saw a bunch of notifications popping up on my screen. From Kalel, Meghan, David, Jenn, Andrea, Joey. Like everyone I knew had texted me. I quickly put a brief message to each one of them of what happened over the course of the 2 days.

I walked downstairs to get some Arizona from the kitchen, when I saw outside it was raining. It was 3am and I figured nobody would be awake... But I was still scared and wanted someone to comfort me. I walked silently up the stairs and down the hall to Connors room. He was watching some show that the boys watch all the time, not really sure what its called.

"Couldn't sleep either?" He said looking over at me.

"No." I said looking down as I walked over by him. I tried not to hurt him as I lay down in his arms. There was a big crash of thunder and I literally thought I was going to die.

"Shhh. It's only thunder." He calmed me and stroked my head as I quickly fell asleep.


what if ; connor franta fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora