Chapter 6

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I pulled away first from the kiss. We smiled at eachother.

"No more kissing drama, okay?" Ricky said.

I hugged Ricky. "No more drama." I whispered.

"You guys are the best friends a girl could ever have. I love you all." We got into a big group hug.

We played kinect party until at least midnight, when we decided to go to bed. We had a long day ahead of us. Tomorrow we were going out to lunch with Kian, Alexa, and Rebecca. Then were going to Kians place to play some wii U. I fell asleep about 2AM and woke up about 11. Right away I took a quick shower and put on a lot of makeup, and a black and white striped dress. I quickly curled my hair, and by that time it was time to leave.

"Taylor!" I heard Jc call from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back.

I walked downstairs and followed Ricky into the car. Me and Connor sat in back, jc and Ricky up front.

"Where are we going anyway?" I said grabbing Connors hand.

"Oh, I have no idea. Ask Kian." Answered Connor.

My phone vibrated. A text from Joey<3

Joey<3 : wanna make a challenge vid today?

Me : can't going to lunch now :(

Joey<3 : tomorrow?

Me : ok! What kind of challenge?

Joey<3 : like a jenga type challenge. I'll explain tomorrow when we do it k?

Me : kk see ya tomorrow !

I locked my phone.

"Who was that?" Asked Connor.

"Joey Graceffa." I said smiling. "We're doing a video tomorrow."

"Cool." Said Connor. We interlocked fingers and I laid my head on his shoulder. I took out my phone and put in an ear plug. I turned on "six feet under the stars" by All Time Low.

"Mnd if I listen?" He asked smiling. I handed him the other one. We listened to music until we arrived at a burger place.

We met Kian and Alexa and Rebecca about 10 minutes later. I didn't get anything but a water, considering I'm vegan. We all talked about life, and I think Ricky or Jc mentioned me and Connor being together.

"What? You and Connor?" Said Kian surprised.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Said Alexa.

I blushed and looked at Connor smiling.

"WAIT GUYS! I need to vlog." Said Ricky.

He pulled out his camera, and so did Alexa and Kian and Jc and Connor.

"VLOGCEPTION!" They said when they started recording. Then they started saying their own things. I only heard Connor cause I was sitting by him and Rebecca.

"So hey guys! I'm here with all these people,who are all vlogging at the same time..." He showed everybody. "So if you guys didn't know, me and Taylor, yeah, we're like, together." I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers and showed the camera

"AWEEEEEE." They all said really loud.

"Oh, be quiet." Said Connor laughing.

Rebecca grabbed his camera. They all started chanting "KISS KISS KISS KISS!" Really loud. Everybody there was looking.

Connor shrugged and kissed me. I kissed him back. They cheered. And the other people just like smiled a little.

Connor took his camera back from Rebecca. "Well...there ya go." He laughed.

After lunch we got fro yo, since Kian is addicted to it. It was about 3 when we left to go walk to the fro yo place, and it was at least a 15-20 min walk. But of course, Kian had his penny board ghost, and Jc's penny board Rosta, so they were ahead of the rest of us.

I grabbed hold of Connors hand. I saw that Jc and Kian had stopped. "Why did they stop?" I looked up a Connor.

"Probably fans or something." He said. Sure enough, like 6 girls ran up screaming to Ricky and Connor when they saw. I let go of Connors hand and walked by Rebecca and Alexa.

"Wow, they're really popular." Said Alexa crossing her arms.

"Why don't people ever recognize me! My video went viral!" Joked Rebecca.

We all laughed. After about 10 minutes of pictures, hugs, and all that stuff, the girls finally left. I caught up to Connor.

"Not being rude or anything, but they kind of took time away from our fro yo adventure." I said.

He laughed. "That's kind of true though!" He looked into my eyes. "You're so beautiful, you know that right?"

I blushed. "Not as beautiful as you." We both smiled.

"We'll thank you." He said as he flipped his imaginary hair. I laughed

"I love you."

"I love you more."

I blushed and pecked him on the lips. He took out his vlogging camera.

"Heyyy. So were on our way to get fro yo." He pointed the camera at jc and Kian. "As you can see, they have their penny boards, and were all stuck walking like losers." He made a sad face and showed Ricky's face. "Hey Ricky. Hey. Hey. Hey." I laughed at his weirdness. I truly loved him.

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