Chapter 23

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"What the fuck is going on. Who are you?"

"You don't know me. But i know you." The person said in a deep voice.

"W-what?" I said kind of in a panic.

"If you want your pathetic boyfriend back, you're going to have to come and get him yourself." He hung up the phone.

I dropped the phone in disbelief. I ran downstairs crying. Jc was sleeping on the couch with wishbone. I shook his shoulder and he woke up.

"Tay, why are you crying?" he said as I sat next to him.

"I-it's Connor." I told him the story about the man who called and what he said to me.

"We need to go. Now." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car. We were on our way to the airport. We didn't book a flight, but we would some how figure it out.

When we got there, we begged the lady to let us buy last minute tickets to the Minnesota flight that was leaving in an hour. We sat down on a bench to make time fly during our wait. I was still crying because obviously, I was so scared.

"Taylor, stop crying it'll be okay." He said in a calming voice.

"No it's not! A lot could happen in the time were not helping him!" I said putting my hand over my mouth.

"Taylor. We're going to help him. He's going to be fine."

I sniffled. "Okay. I guess you're right."

"Just, think about something different than...what's happening right now. Okay?"

"Okay." I said wiping a tear away and hugging him. I put my face into his shoulder and just cried. Until someone came up to us.

"Taylor, are you okay?" a girl asked. She sounded like she was about 12 or 13.

I turned around. "I'm fine." I said trying to stop crying. "Wait how do you know my name?"

"I watch Connors videos. I'm a big fan of yours."

"Thank you." I said hugging her. She pulled away and pulled a pen out of the notebook she was holding in her hand.

"Can you sign this?" she asked innocently.

"Sure, what's your name?"


I signed it for her and so did Jc. We took a picture and then her mum called her over. We sat down and just talked until we got on our flight to Minnesota.


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