Chapter Twenty Five: Six Years Later (Epilogue)

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Author's Note:

Yup, this is the final chapter. *cries* 

I would just like to extend thanks to all my dedicated readers out there! YOU are the ones who have made this book a success. 

Book 3 (the final one) will be out some time soon (or maybe not, who knows? All I know is that I will definitely start writing it at some point in time.

Thanks again to everyone! :D 

-K. V. Ramlochan. 


Sister Margo was writing furiously on the form in front of her. Her straight, blonde hair was almost falling out of the black habit covering everything but her face. Monique Latteris couldn't help but admire her beauty.

Among the other persons in the small office were Pastor Jerome Jackman and Jerry Jackman, the lawyer. They were brothers-twins, actually. They looked almost the same; large, overlapping stomachs; almost bald head; very tall and both had cheeks that resembled dumplings. The only difference was their eyes; Pastor Jerome's were dark brown, while Jerry's were hazel. 

'So,' Sister Margo interrupted Monique's thoughts. 'As I'm seeing here, you already have one other child?'

Marcus, Monique's husband, answered. 'Yes. A daughter. But after Monique gave birth to Carissa, she was told she could never have kids again. It has always been our dream to have both a girl and a boy child.' 

Sister Margo continued writing fiercely. 

'How old is Carissa?' Pastor Jerome asked.

'She just turned three,' Monique answered. 'Last month.'  

'Look, I'm not required to tell you this, but I feel that I must,' Sister Margo suddenly said seriously. 'Darius has a twin sister. Rosemary was adopted a few years ago.'

'Why did they need to know this?' Jerry asked. 

'It's not that,' Sister Margo said. 'The twins' mother, Suzanne Jensen, was raped at only eighteen. The boy that did it to her was apparently worshiping some demon and, well, he became the father. However, Suzanne killed him the same night he kidnapped her. She decided to keep the babies, but went insane just a week after giving birth. She's currently in an asylum out of the state.' 

Monique gasped. 'That poor, poor girl.' 

Sister Margo nodded. 'I pray for her every night. However, that's not the worst part. After that, Suzanne's family went through the hardest year ever, as if they had been cursed. Suzanne's biological parents had already died a while back, so she was living with her Aunt and Step-Uncle. The Aunt became the guardian of Darius and Rosemary, but the same night she was driving to the hospital to pick them up, she was in a car crash. She ran off a bridge and drowned in the river. After her husband, Larry, heard about this, he had a heart attack and also passed away the next night.' 

Sister Margo took a sip of her Diet Pepsi and continued.

'Max, now the oldest one in the family being seventeen, tried to keep supporting everyone. But how could a young, inexperienced boy like him take care of twin babies? He eloped with some girl two months later with all the family's money. The remaining members of the family were sent to various orphanages. The three girls, Kathrine, Tanya and Jenna were sent to an all-girls' orphanage. The one remaining boy, John, was sent to another orphanage. Darius and Rosemary were sent here. John's orphanage burned down and his body was never found. Tanya ran away, leaving Kathrine and Jenna alone. As it turns out, Kathrine just turned twenty the other day. I'm not sure, but I think she had gotten a job and now she's saved enough money to move out of the orphanage with Jenna.' 

'That's so terrible! Those poor kids,' Monique said, eyes getting teary. 

'I want you to promise me something,' Sister Margo said.

'What?' Marcus asked. He had his arm around Monique, comforting her. 

'If you adopt Darius, you will never tell him about what happened to his family. He's been through enough.'

'Hold on, you can't possibly hide this from--' 

Jerry's argument was cut by Monique. 'We promise.' 


Darius had never been more excited in his life. He was going to have a family! Not to mention his sixth birthday was only days away. He would probably get lots of presents! 

He looked at himself in the mirror one more time. His soft, brown hair which all the nuns loved was combed neatly. He was dressed nicely in a plain blue t-shirt and trousers. The Latteris family would love him! 

'Are you sure you want to go?

'Yup. I'm sure, Patenebris,' Darius answered. 'You're coming too, right?' 

'I'm afraid not--'

'Who are you talking to?' Ralph, Darius' roommate, suddenly asked as he entered the room. Ralph was eight.

'No one. Just practicing talking to my new family.' 

'Oh yes. I heard the nuns talking about the Latteris family. I hear they're great people... and rich too. Not to mention you get out of this shithole.'

'What does that word mean, Ralphie?' 

Ralph shrugged. 'Heard one of the 12-year olds say it.' 

'Ugh, I hate the 12-year olds. They feel like they know everything.' 

Ralph shrugged. 'One day we'll be twelve too, you know.'

'I know, but I won't be as shithole as them.'

'I'm not sure that's how you use the word, Darius.' 

'What word?' Sister Anna walked into the room.

'Nothing,' both boys answered simultaneously. 

'Are you finished packing, Darius?' she asked. 

Darius nodded and held up his small, leather suitcase. 

'Well then, let's go.'

'Um, can I stay up here a little while longer. I just...want to say goodbye to everything.' 

'Aww,' Sister Anna's eyes started getting teary. 'Of course, we'll be waiting downstairs.'

'Well, good luck with the new family,' Ralph said before exiting with Sister Anna. 

'Patenebris? Are you still here?' Darius whispered. 

'Yes,' It replied. 'As I was saying, I won't be coming along.'

'But...why?' asked Darius.

'You're too young to understand. But don't worry, I'll be back one day.'

Darius began tearing up. 'I'll miss you.'

'You'll forget about me soon.'

'I won't, I promise.'

'Alright. I'll be back for your eighteenth birthday.'

'Goodbye, Patenebris,' Darius said sadly. 'I love you.'

It didn't reply. Darius slowly dragged his suitcase out of the room, and went downstairs to his new life. 


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