Chapter Thirteen: Trapped Between Two Worlds.

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She didn't know where she was. Her body was numb. She felt so buoyant, like she would float upwards and keep on floating for all eternity. 

What's the last thing I remember? she thought to herself. To her horror, she remembered nothing. She could see nothing for miles. Only the blackness. It surrounded her, threatening to pull her in, engulf her. 

A boy appeared in front of her. He wore glasses and a bloody white shirt. His glasses were cracked and his head was split open. 

'Who are you?' he asked. His voice was a whisper. She could barely understand him.

'I don't know,' she replied. She couldn't recognize her voice. 

The boy tried to grab her hand, but it went through her. She gasped.

The boy's eyes widened. 'You're not fully here.'

He wasn't making sense. 'What?'

'How is it possible?' he said more to himself than to her. 'Only half of you is trapped in this world. Your other half is in the real world.' 

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled away. 

'No, come back!' he exclaimed.

'I'm not moving myself,' she said fearfully. She had no control over herself. 

One word came to her mind: Puppet.

She was its puppet now. 


The phone slipped out of Suzanne's hand. It fell onto the hospital bed. 

'Suzanne? Are you there?' she could hear Tanya ask. 

'Oh my God,' Suzanne whispered. 'Its taken her.' 

She picked up the phone with shaking hands. 'How did it happen?' 

Suzanne listened silently as Tanya explained all that had happened. Tears streamed down her cheek. To think Kat was trapped in that place again was horrifying. 

Suzanne ended the call abruptly. 

Suddenly, Suzanne jumped off the bed and started running. She pushed past the Doctor who was walking to her room. In her hospital gown, Suzanne started running down the street. She needed to be by herself. This was too overwhelming. 

She ran until her feet hurt. Finally, she stopped to catch her breath and realized that she had stopped right in front of a church. She stepped through the huge mahogany doors. The place was empty. Huge crystal chandeliers adorned the roof and the windows were colorful and breathtaking. Suzanne walked straight down the aisle, and stopped at the huge sculpture of Christ on the Cross, which was in the altar. She knelt down as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

'Why?' she asked. 'Why us? What does it want?' 

'God can't help you now.

The whisper had sounded so close, as if someone had been standing directly behind her. Suzanne jumped up and spun around. She saw nothing. That made her cry even more. She wasn't even safe in a church. 

'What do you want from me?!' she screamed in exhaustion. 

And then It appeared. Directly in front of her. Its eyes were redder than blood. It's flesh darker than the night.

'I want you!' It shouted, it's raspy voice making her ears ring. It placed its clawed hand on her stomach, and it went straight through her flesh.

Suzanne screamed as pain shot through her. She felt like her flesh was being ripped off her bones. She succumbed to the pain as she became dizzy. Suzanne collapsed onto the floor. 

Finally, she knew what it wanted. 


'I can't believe it,' Aunt Lisa sighed.

The entire family were huddled in a seat at the hospital, hoping that the doctors would be successful in reviving Kathrine. 

John was asleep on Uncle Larry's laps, but Jenna was wide awake. She was too worried about Kat. She had been sleeping peacefully when Tanya had awakened her.

'We're going to the hospital,' Tanya had said hurriedly.

'What happened?' Jenna had asked.

'We don't know. Kat's unconscious,' Tanya had replied. 'Now put on your coat.' 

Now, everyone was sitting quietly, except Tanya; she was pacing back and forth. Jenna wondered if the Bogeyman had anything to do with Kat's condition. She hadn't seen It in a whole week, but Jenna was sure that the Bogeyman had been contacting John. She wondered how come John hadn't been afraid of It. Every time Jenna saw It, she would freak out and run out of the room. She suddenly realized how dry her throat was.

'Can I have a dollar for the soda machine?' she asked Aunt Lisa.

'Sure, honey,' Aunt Lisa said. She fished around in her purse, and then pulled out a crumpled bill. Jenna thanked her and stood up. She needed to stretch her legs. And plus Jenna couldn't stand that icky smell of the hospital. After getting her Pepsi, Jenna walked out of the hospital and stood in front of the glass doors, taking in deep breaths of air. 

And that's when it happened. The thing Jenna hated. For some strange reason, Jenna always knew when John was interacting with the Demon. Her stomach started churning and she felt like she wanted to barf. Every time she felt that way, she was definitely sure John was speaking to It. She threw her soda in the trash can and walked into the hospital once more. Knowing John wouldn't be with the family, she went straight to the boys' washroom. Jenna quickly sneaked in.  

Sure enough, she saw John speaking to the reflection in the mirror.

'Are you sure she's okay?' he asked.

The voice that replied made Jenna shiver.

'She's with me.

'John!' Jenna interrupted. 'Stop talking to the Bogeyman!'

'It's not the bogeyman, dummy,' John argued. 'It's a Demon.'

'Is that any better?!' Jenna scolded. 

'It's okay,' John said calmly. 'It's keeping Kat's company.'

'What do you mean?'

'In her body. My Friend is living in Kat's body with her.' 

Jenna let out a gasp as Max burst into the Washroom. He didn't even realize that Jenna was in the male washroom. 

'Kathrine's awake!' he exclaimed.

Everyone began running to her hospital room. As soon as they burst through the door, and Jenna looked into Kat's eyes, she knew that the thing she saw was not Kat. 

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