Chapter Seventeen: Insanity

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Suzanne ran as quickly as she could back to campus. 

Crap! she realized. I don't know where Cass's Sorority House is.

The first person she saw was her roommate, Victoria. She was wearing a tank top, which was showing off her mesmerizing serpent tattoo. She was busy chatting with that douche-bag Brandon. Suzanne quickly ran up to them.

'Guys! Do you know where Cassandra lives?' she asked breathlessly.

'What happened?' Victoria raised her eyebrow.

'She's in terrible danger and she isn't answering her cellphone,' Suzanne replied.

'Wait, isn't she that redhead that dumped Brian? Yeah, I know where she is,' Brandon shrugged.

'Please tell me. We don't have much time,' Suzanne pleaded.

'What's in it for me?' he smirked.

Suzanne groaned in frustration. 'Cut your shit and tell me where she is! She could be dead by now!'

Brandon's eyes widened and he nodded. 'I'll drive you.'

'I'm coming, too,' Victoria said.

'Call campus security,' Suzanne added, as they all ran to Brandon's car. 


Brandon stopped the car abruptly in front of Cassandra's frat house. It was a two-story, white American-style house. 

Suzanne, Victoria and Brandon all ran out of the car and onto the porch. Victoria rang the doorbell and Suzanne knocked on the door. 

'Ugh! Why aren't the cops here yet?!' Victoria shouted.

'Stand back!' Brandon rammed himself into the door. It crashed open and Brandon fell inside the house. 

He fell onto his side and into a puddle of liquid. Suzanne found the light switch on the wall. She switched it on. They were in the kitchen. 

'What did I fall in?' Brandon wondered out loud, standing up.

Victoria suddenly screamed. 'It-It's blood!' 

Brandon gasped as he realized his brown jacket was now covered in blood. The floor was splattered with blood. 

Suddenly, the three heard a scream. 'Help!'  

They started running towards the stairs, but Suzanne tripped over something and fell onto the floor. She screamed as she saw that it was a body. There was a gash across the poor girl's throat. Another cry for help echoed through the house. 

As they reached by the stairs, they saw another body. A blonde girl in her pajamas lay lifeless at the foot of the staircase, her neck twisted at an odd angle. They quickly edged past the body and ran up the flight of stairs. 

One of the bedroom doors were open. Victoria quickly pushed it open. 

Brandon gagged as Suzanne gasped. There were bloodied bodies scattered all over the room. The pungent smell made Suzanne's eyes water. Cass was standing in a corner of the room. Brian was walking slowly towards her, a knife in hand. He was only in his boxers and was covered in blood. He didn't even seem to notice that Suzanne and the others were now in the room. 

'Hey! Stop!' Brandon yelled. He ran up to Brian and tackled him. Both of them seemed to have equal body strength. Brian regained his composure and punched Brandon in the face, a maniacal grin on his face.

Suzanne ran to Brandon's aid, but before she could reach the two, she slipped on a puddle of blood and landed on the floor, face first. 

Cass came up to them, and kicked Brian in his stomach. Brian didn't even move. He slashed Cass' foot with the knife. She screamed and jumped back.

Then, Brian rose the knife over his head. 

'No!' Suzanne screamed.

Before Brandon could do anything, the knife was brought down on his head. 

Brandon collapsed onto the floor, not moving. 

Brian noticed Suzanne. He looked at her, and Suzanne knew immediately that she was staring into the eyes of Insanity. 

'You!' his voice seeped venom. 'You...took her.'

Brian walked menacingly towards her. 

'W-What do you mean?' Suzanne stammered, walking backwards. 

'You stole Cassandra from me!'

'What? I-I haven't!'

'You had sex with her!' Brian screamed. 

'Brian, I didn't,' Suzanne said, confused. Why would Brian think that? 

'I'm a virgin,' she added. 

'Like I'm gonna believe that!' he shouted.

Brian raised the knife and started running towards her. Suzanne screamed and spun around to run, but instead she tripped over a dismembered arm and fell onto the floor once more. 

'No!' she heard Cass scream.

Suddenly, Cass rammed herself into Brian. They both lost balance and plunged to their left. There was a crash. Suzanne heard glass shatter. Then she couldn't see them anymore. 

Suzanne stood up slowly and started walking to the window, glass breaking under her feet. 

When Cass had rammed into Brian, both of them had crashed through the window and fallen two stories onto the cement ground below. They both lay lifeless on the ground, a puddle of blood forming around them.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. This was all her fault. If she hadn't befriended these people, they wouldn't have died. And then Suzanne heard a voice in her head. 

'Furor has won,' it whispered. 'It won't be long now.'

'What are you?' Suzanne asked.

'I am Caedes,' it whispered.

'Murder? You aren't supposed to come until after the ritual,' Suzanne said.

Suzanne didn't even know why she wasn't freaking out. She was carrying out a normal conversation with a Demon. Maybe she had lost all hope.

'I came to assist Furor. After Insanity comes Murder,' Caedes explained. 'But don't worry, I'll be back after the ritual. In the meantime, decide who it is you'll be killing.

And then the voice was gone. 

It wouldn't be long now.


Author's Note:

Wow, what a death-filled chapter. LOL. 

How did you react to the deaths of Cass, Brian and Brandon? (I still can't believe it myself, lol)

The story is slowly coming down to the finale! Yikes!

Thanks for the feedback everyone! 

I'm also updating on a Monday because it's Easter Vacation. NO SCHOOL! YESSSSS!

~Hugs and Insanity~

-K. V. Ramlochan-


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