Chapter Eleven: It's Taken Her.

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She was in the darkness again. It felt all too familiar. 

And she knew she definitely wasn't alone. It was here with her. It was always here. She could feel It, breathing down her neck. 

She didn't want to turn around, even though she knew she would have to sooner or later. She had no control of her body and mind in this world. This world belonged to It. 

Suzanne didn't feel like referring to the Demon as "The Mirror Demon" anymore. She knew that wasn't it's actual name. It just lived behind the mirror. She knew It was more than a mirror demon, it was more dangerous. Murderous. Deadly. 

It's breaths were even and cold on her neck. Not warm like exhaled breath was supposed to be like, but so cold it sent shivers down her spine. 

It wanted something from her. 

What does it want? she found herself wondering.

'You'll find out,' It whispered, It's voice a harsh, throaty growl. 

It could hear her thoughts. Finally, Suzanne couldn't take the cold breaths on her skin anymore. She gave into her fear and spun around to face the Demon. 

It looked even deadlier. Stronger. 

It's claws and horns were longer. It's red pupils brighter and hypnotizing. She hadn't noticed it before, but on it's tar black chest was a cross. An upside-down cross was carved into it's skin. 

It suddenly crashed its lips onto her. 

Suzanne tried to squirm away, but it had placed its hands on her shoulders, gripping her so she couldn't move. 

It forcibly forced its tongue into her mouth. It's slimy, snakelike tongue slithered down her throat.

Finally, another hand gripped her wrist. It managed to pull her away from the Demon. She could feel Its tongue sliding out of her throat. 

The boy pulled her away. She spun around to face him. His skull was cracked open, blood trickling down his face.

'Caleb?' Suzanne gasped. 'What are you doing here?'

'I'm trapped,' he said hurriedly. 'You have to save us.'

'Us?' Suzanne asked, confused. 

'She's also been taken,' Caleb whispered. 'I can't find her. But I know she's here.' 

'Who are you talking about?'

'I think she's lost. Lost in the darkness.'


Suzanne woke up with a start. A blinding white light gave her a headache and caused her to shut her eyes immediately. 

Slowly, Suzanne reopened her eyes, letting them get adjusted to the light. 

She definitely wasn't in her dorm room. 

When Suzanne could finally see clearly, she realized she was in a hospital room. The bright light had been coming from the overhead light bulb. 

'Finally, you're awake,' an unknown voice said from beside her.

Suzanne's eyes shot to her right. She saw a beautiful Asian woman, in a nurse's uniform. Her silky, ebony hair was in a ponytail, as long as her back. Her face was pale and smooth, her black eyes glittered in the light. She smiled sweetly at Suzanne, then went back to fixing the sheet's around Suzanne's beds.

'Why am I here?' Suzanne groaned. She tried to sit up, but a wave of nausea hit her and she had no choice but to lie back down.

'I don't know. Dr. Christinen didn't say anything,' the nurse replied. 

She finished tucking the sheets around Suzanne's bed, and then she picked up another bundle of sheets that were laying on the nightstand beside the bed.

'Well, I have to go change the other patient's sheets. I'll tell Dr. Christinen you're awake,' the nurse said politely. 'Get well soon.'

'Thanks,' Suzanne smiled, still deep in thought. 

Mrs. Winters had collapsed, she remembered. But why had I fainted, too?

Suddenly, her dream popped into her head. Suzanne knew it wasn't a dream, though. Caleb was trying to warn her. He also needed her help. Someone would only become trapped in the mirror world if the Demon had killed them. Somehow, Suzanne knew, it was the Mirror Demon that had made Caleb commit suicide. 

But Caleb had told her someone else was trapped there with him. But the person was now lost somewhere in the other side. 

She heard a weird ringing sound. Suzanne realized it was her phone, which had been on the nightstand. 

She picked it up and looked at the screen. 

17 missed calls. 1 message.

Suzanne quickly read the message. It was from Cassandra. 

Hey, Suzanne. I hope you're feeling better. Sorry I couldn't stay at the hospital with you

The missed calls, however, were from Tanya. 

Instantly, Suzanne began sweating. She quickly called Tanya back. With each ring, Suzanne got more and more impatient. 

Tanya answered on the fourth ring.

'Tanya. Is everything okay?' Suzanne asked.

She could hear a loud sigh of relief come from the other end of the phone.

'Suzanne, thank God you're okay,' Tanya said. 'I thought it had taken you, too.'

'What? Taken who? You're not making any sense.'

'Suzanne,' Tanya said in barely a whisper.

'What?' Suzanne asked, scared to hear the answer.

'Kathrine's missing. It's taken her.'


Author's Note:

Hey, everyone! Sorry for the late update. :( I've been super busy.

Hope you enjoyed!


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