Chapter Twenty-Three: Suicidium (Pre-Finale).

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Victoria's harsh laughter made Suzanne's ears ring. Suzanne couldn't muster the courage to run. All she could do was stand and watch Victoria's transformation. 

Her skin was covered in countless black scales that looked almost golden in the moonlight. Her serpent tattoo was no longer a tattoo. A large, green snake with gleaming black eyes and a slick, red tongue was wrapped around her arm. Victoria's curly, black hair slowly fell off her head, leaving only glimmering scales. The black rose that was once made in ink on her arm was now being clutched in the palm of her right hand. 

Victoria stood up, her back turned towards Suzanne. 

'It's all your fault,' Victoria hissed. 'Sound familiar?'

It did. That was the very voice she had been hearing at the back of her head for weeks. Unlike Insanity, whose voice was smooth and compelling; Victoria's was demeaning and accusing. 

'Suicide,' Suzanne gasped. 

Suicide cackled. 'Finally, you've realized. I wasn't lying when I told you I was from Hell.'

And then Suzanne realized that she had just made a deal with Insanity in order to help Victoria. She would now go mad in just under a year. She had been tricked. Fooled. It was Their plan from the beginning. 

Lies. Everything. 

'As much as I'd like to face you,' Suicide hissed. 'I'm afraid my eyes will reveal all your guilt and shames. That might just push you over the edge. We don't want that happening...yet.' 

'You killed Caleb,' Suzanne said. The tears were now starting to stream down her cheeks. 

'Of course,' Suicide replied without haste. 'Now, Suzanne, be a good girl and let's go down to the basement.'

Just the thought of that happening suddenly sent adrenaline surging through Suzanne's body. 

Suzanne spun around and ran out of the room. Her heart was beating so fast she wondered if it was possible to get a heart attack at such a young age. She ran down the scary hallway at a speed she didn't know she had.

I have to get out, she thought to herself. out out out out

The one word was the only thing racing through Suzanne's mind. 


'I feel empty. I'm not hungry or thirsty. I'm not tired. I only feel fear and worry.'

'That's what this place does to you,' Melissa said to Kathrine. 

'How will we ever get out of here?' Kat asked. 'What if we're trapped here forever?'

'We'll find a way out,' Melissa said. 'Don't give up hope.'

'I don't even know what hope feels like. I don't think I've ever had hope.'

Melissa stopped walking and placed her palms on Kat's cheeks. 'No daughter of mine will give up. You're the strongest one in the whole family. You give them all hope and strength. Without you, they're sure to all perish. Suzanne's already in terrible danger, I can feel it. You can be the only one to save her, because you're the bravest one of us all.' 

Kat felt tears brimming in her eyes. She hugged Melissa fiercely. 'I learned everything from you.' 

All of a sudden, Kat started feeling light-headed. She gripped Melissa tighter. 

'Are you okay?' Melissa asked in concern.

'I don't know what's happening,' Kat whispered in fear.

And suddenly, she felt like she was falling. 


Kathrine found herself rounding the corner of some deserted building.

How did I end up here? she wondered. 

Kat realized she was now walking down a dark hallway. She tried to stop walking. To move her hand. Crane her neck. 

Kat realized she had no control over body. It wasn't hers anymore. 

Was she having a vision? Or was she seeing through someone else's eyes? 

She saw a crowbar. She picked it up.

And that's when Kat saw her. She had just run out of a room. Now she was running down the hallway. Suzanne.

Kathrine raised the crowbar over her head.

'No!' she wanted to scream. She wanted to stop herself. Gain control of her body, but she couldn't. 

As soon as Suzanne rounded the corner, Kathrine bought the crowbar down on Suzanne's head.

She knelt over Suzanne's now unconscious body. There was now a large, bleeding gash on her forehead. Kathrine picked up Suzanne's feet and started dragging her.

And then Kat was back in the Mirror Realm, gripping Melissa tightly.

'What happened?' Melissa asked in alarm.

'I don't know.' Kathrine was breathing heavily. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

'I think I just saw what the Mirror Demon is doing with my body. It possessed me and is now using my body as its own. It just captured Suzanne,' Kat said through gasps.

Melissa covered her mouth with her hands. 'Oh god.'

'I don't know how we're going to do it, but I have to regain control of my,' Kathrine said urgently. 

'I found a way out,' someone suddenly said.

Kathrine and Melissa both spun around in shock. It was the boy whose head was split open. 


Oh my gosh, guys! 

The next chapter will be the Finale! *dies* 

Get ya' popcorn ready, y'all!



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